Out-of-Body Experiences
AIPR Information Sheet: Out-of-Body Experiences
The out-of-body experience (OBE) is one in which the “centre of consciousness” of a person appears, from the viewpoint of that person, to occupy temporarily a position which is spatially remote from his or her physical body (9, see also 1,10,12). The definition refers to an experience rather than to an actual event, whether accurately described or not. the term “centre of consciousness” does not assume any particular theory or content of the imagery. In occult traditions, a deliberate induction of an OBE is termed astral projection. The term OBEr refers to a person who has experienced an OBE. Research interest has recently accelerated in tandem with interest in its “cousin” the near-death experience (NDE).
Method of study
Knowledge about the OBE comes from three sources. First, people’s descriptions of their OBEs have been compiled into case collections (5,15) and questionnaire surveys (2,4,6,8).
Second, people who can deliberately induce an OBE have written books of instruction and self-observation (14). A problem with these methods is that human testimony is fallible, and that spectacular OBEs are over-represented as they are remembered better. Such data serve only as sources of hypotheses. Third, procedures for inducing OBEs in the laboratory permit controlled investigation. However, experimental OBEs tend to be more vague than real-life spontaneous ones (4). The subject is under pressure to produce an OBE. Induction methods (particularly hypnotic) are susceptible to contamination from the bias (beliefs) of the experimenter.
Irwin summarises 37 studies of the incidence of OBEs (9). In four samples of the general population, the average incidence was 10%. In 12 samples of university students, the average was 20% (more willing reporters? greater drug use?) In nine samples of first year psychology students from the University of New England, Armidale NSW, the average was 30%. Irwin finds no correlation of OBEs with age, sex marital status, education level, social class, religious beliefs, race, brain physiology, and prior knowledge of OBEs. Nor are OBEs indicators of mental illness (4A,6,9).
In most spontaneous OBEs, the person suddenly becomes aware of being outside his or her physical body. This “self”, apparently located above the body, perceives a vivid “real” impression of the nearby environment. The OBEr reports looking down, usually for periods up to five minutes, and seeing his or her own physical body. Some OBErs describe their “self” as a specific shape, usually a replica of the current physical body, although some elderly persons report a younger OBE body. Rarely, a point of light or a mist is reported, or no shape at all (“asomatic”), but even here a shape is implied because the subject may report squeezing through a space.
The “centre of consciousness” of a person appears, from the viewpoint of that person, to occupy a position spatially remote from [the] physical body.
About 20-30% of OBEs, particularly those under the control of the subject, involve distinctive skeleto-muscular sensations at the beginning and/or end of the experience. These include percussive noises (buzzes, clicks), vibrations in the body, catalepsy and/or momentary blackouts. Some OBEs contain extrasensory elements such as an ESP experience (9,10).
More than 90% of OBEs are naturalistic and visual (i.e., the external world is seen more or less as it really is). Most features of a room are seen correctly, except that a door, for example, may appear open when it is actually closed. Rarely, odd effects occur, such as time distortion, wide-angle vision and seeing through objects. A few visual OBEs are also auditory; vision and sound are not sensed separately, but in a single comprehensive way (“synthetic”). A few OBEs are sensory; there is only an intuitive conviction that the “centre of consciousness” is external to the body.
A few OBEs reflect an exotic world, such as the person moves through a dark tunnel towards a golden light and peace (“paradise”), populated by “spirits” of the dead (similar to some NDE reports). The medium Helene Smith claimed she took out-of-body trips to the planet Mars. In early spiritualist literature, in particular, an “astral cord” is reported, connecting the physical body and OB body; if the cord breaks, the subject will die. Such exotic features are probably determined by the culture and beliefs of the subject (9,10).
The OBE may happen spontaneously, or it may be forced, for example, by means of drugs (hallucinogenic or anaesthetic), hypnosis or emotional trauma. Rarely, a person (often a meditator) can produce an OBE at will. The OBEr displays less fear of death. The OBEr sees with strikingly increased clarity, vividness and awareness of “self”, relative to normal consciousness within the physical body. In long-duration OBEs, it is possible to control the content, location and termination of OBEs by directing attention to the required state of affairs.
OBErs also tend to report more falling dreams, lucid dreams and mystical experiences than non-OBErs. OBErs are more likely to be fantasisers or “fantasy-prone” people (18). Unlike normal and lucid dreams, there are no rapid-eye movements during OBEs. In apparitions and autoscopic images of oneself, the “centre of consciousness” is still within the physical body. In depersonalised images of oneself, caused by fear of impending death, the depersonalised self feels like being a stranger to the physical body; in contrast, the OBEr feels “more real”. In schizophrenic body boundary disturbances (unlike OBErs), the person cannot distinguish between the real and imagined world.
The OBE is only one element of the NDE: about 10% of OBEs are reported in conjunction with NDEs (6,9).
OBErs are more likely to be fantasisers than persons not having OBEs.
A person reporting spontaneous OBEs has more mystical experiences, compared to non-OBErs (2,4). OBEs happen in two contrasting contexts.
Low arousal of the brain. The person is very relaxed (mentally and physically) – on the point of going to sleep or waking up, or meditating, or in a very quiet setting. If the person is active at all the activity is automatic, such as walking, jogging, or a skilled musician playing a familiar composition. Most OBEs probably occur when waking up (the hypnopompic state).
High arousal of the brain. About 30% of OBEs. Associated with elation, euphoria (such as fast driving, listening to loud music), intense anger, confrontation with death, and sexual orgasm.
Compared to non-OBErs, subjects who can produce deliberate (experimental) OBEs are better at the ability to control the content of, and stop, dreams (4). Most programs for deliberate induction (8) emphasise physical and mental relaxation in a quiet environment; creating mental imagery (for example, of a specific symbol, or of the impression of leaving the body); and total but effortless absorption in these thoughts. Hypnosis and sensory deprivation are useful. Glaskin, an Australian novelist, has made popular the Christos technique of J & N.Parkhurst, involving simultaneous massage of forehead and feet (7).
Induction methods interact with an expectation or need, or motivation, that an OBE will occur. Taking drugs is not recommended, because of the relative lack of control over the OBE.
The external world seen from the out-of-body state is a memory of the real world.
Mind-body separation?
Separation theories propose that the OBE is literally as it seems to be, that is, a spatial separation of mind/spirit from the physical body. Because the OBE is so real and vivid, it is not surprising that this theory has support. The concept of a physical double is supported by Crookall, Whiteman, and by some theosophists (e.g., Besant and Powell) and spiritualists (such as Findlay). But no one has convincingly suggested what such a body is made from. The idea that a non-physical double (“soul”) leaves the physical body is more popular (9).
These models trend to provide post-hoc explanations of OBE features. Moreover, scientific tests have been inconclusive or ambiguous. For example, if an out-of-body state is sent to a distant locality, one cannot be certain that the data was not got by clairvoyance, or from forgotten prior knowledge of the locality.
A subject, Miss Z, tested by Tart, was able to correctly read a 5-digit number on a shelf five feet above the bed where she slept. Because Z was not always watched, the possibility she peeked cannot be excluded.
Keith Harary attempted experimentally to influence human and animals during his out-of-body state. Humans, rodents and snake showed no effects compared to non-OBE periods; but a kitten was quieter and less active during out-of-body periods, although it did not obviously look at the supposed locality of the out-of-body image (13).
Imagery theories
The neutral term “imagery” is preferred to “hallucination” – a term that originally implied mental illness. Imagery theories assert that the OBE is a state of consciousness characterised by “dissociative” imagery (16A). The external world seen from the out-of-body state is a memory of the real world. This explains OBEs in which the OBEr sees the real world correctly, except for a few misremembered bits. It also explains exotic misperceptions as the product of the OBErs beliefs and culture. The imagery may also incorporate apparently extrasensory information about discrete events.
Attention and absorption
Imagery theories can be evaluated in relation to a psychological process called attention – the selection of some items to enter consciousness while other items remain excluded.
The ease of having an OBE is related to the ease of entering meditative and hypnotic states, and with having lucid dreams and mystical experiences. The common factor in all of these is absorption – the (attentive) ability or capacity of the person to focus on the mental task at hand to the exclusion of all other disturbances (9). This capacity applies to the person, and not just to the induction phase. All body activities (termed somatic or kinaesthetic) cease or become automatic, so that no more attention is paid to them. This is similar to the “onepointedness” of meditators, in which attention is focussed on some event such as chanting a repetitive mantra. The return of attention to body processes ends the OBE.
OBErs also have a need for (as well as a capacity for) absorption. Irwin relates this need to a concern for, and attention to, one’s mental processes. A psychoanalytic model, based on narcissism, proposes that the OBEr needs to step outside his or her body to look at it as others do. However data shows that OBErs are not excessively obsessed by their physical appearance. Ehrenwald states that the OBEr has a need to convince oneself of immortality by observing the “soul” leave the body. This idea is also not supported by data: “supernatural” OBEs do not happen most often to religious people (10).
In particular, OBErs tend to evoke a type of absorption that Irwin calls cross-modal experiencing or synaesthesia (9); one sensory mode (e.g., visual) tends to evoke imagery in another mode such as auditory. This occurs especially for persons reporting an “astral body” or terminal sensations.
Attention and visual imagery
OBErs do not have exceptional ability or skill to generate and control and manipulate general visual images. However, Irwin found that the ability to generate body-like OBEs is related to the extent the subject can control the OBE. Nor does the tendency to have an OBE depend on the vividness of the imagery nor on the person being a visualiser rather than a verbaliser. However, OBErs may be better at judging how an object appears from different perspectives (9).
Specific imagery models
Blackmore considers that an OBE is an altered state of consciousness produced when the body is deprived of sensory input, as during meditation or stress, disrupting the normal “reality model” in favour of an OBE reality model built from imagery and memory (3).
Palmer supposes that euphoria or relaxation produces a decline in skeleto-muscular stimulation and this lack of body-sense feedback may threaten the subjects sense of self (16). The OBE, which mainly occurs in the hypnopompic (waking up) state, is an attempt to restore self-concept, and to save the ego from being destroyed. This model fits spontaneous OBEs best.
Irwin argues similarly that OBEs involve losing touch with body senses, as a result of becoming absorbed: extremely low or high arousal of the brain interacts with a capacity (and need) for the individual to have OBEs. This removes the conditioned preconscious (momentarily out of awareness) assumption that “I” must be in the physical body. The static body image is transformed into a conscious, active, disembodied body image that incorporates synesthetic (visual plus auditory) experiencing of this new image (9, 10).
1) Blackmore, S (1982). Beyond the body. London: Heinemann
2) Blackmore, S (1984a). A postal survey of OBEs and other experiences. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 52, 225-244.
3) Blackmore, S (1984b). A psychological theory of the out-of-body experience. Journal of Parapsychology, 48, 201-218.
4) Blackmore, S (1986b). Spontaneous and deliberate OBEs. A questionnaire survey. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 53, 218-224.
4A) Blackmore, S (1986b). Out-of-body experiences in schizophrenia. Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease, 174, 615-619.
5) Crookall, R (1972). Casebook of astral projection, 545-746. Secaucus, NJ: University Books.
6) Gabbard, G & Twenlow, S (1985). With the eyes of the mind. An empirical analysis of out-of-body states. New York: Praeger.
7) Glaskin, G (1974/1986). Windows of the mind: The Christos experience. Sydney: Unity Press.
8) Green, C (1968). Out-of-body experiences. London: Hamish Hamilton.
9) Irwin, H J (1985). Flight of mind: Psychological study of the out-of-body experience. Metuchen, N J: Scarecrow.
10) Deleted
11) Irwin, H J (1981), Some psychological dimensions of the out-of-body experience. Parapsychology Review, 12(4), 1-6.
12) Mitchel, J (1985). Out-of-body experiences. Wellingborough: Turnstone.
13) Morris, R L and others (1978). Studies of communication during out-of-body experiences. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 72, 1-21.
14) Monroe, R (1974). Journeys out of the body. London: Corgi.
15) Muldoon, S & Carrington, H (1951). The phenomena of astral projection. London: Rider.
16) Palmer, J (1978). A psychological theory of out-of-body experiences. Parapsychology Review, 9 (5), 19-22.
16A) Rogo, D S Psychological models of the out-of-body experience. Journal of Parapsychology, 46, 29-45.
17) Rogo, D S (1983). Leaving the body: A practical guide to astral projection. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
18) Wilsom, S & Barber, T (1983). The fantasy-prone personality In, Imagery (A Sheikh, ed.) chapter 12. New York: Wiley. Based on a document by Harvey Irwin. Additions by Michael Hough. Edition 2, 1992.
Extra references
19) Irwin, H J (1989). An introduction to parapsychology. Jefferson, NC: McFarland.
Have yourself experience |
I do this translation in honor of my dear American readers (citizens of the United States) who represent almost 70% of my total readers. So this translation is symbolic. I am not concerned with perfection, but with the Symbol of My Gratitude. For these dear and faithful readers, my affection, gratitude, respect ...
Adapted "Principle of Disbelief"(Waldo Vieira): Don't believe in anything and anyone, not even what I say here on this blog. EXPERIMENT. Get your own results, conclusions ... in your personal EXPERIENCES.
Principle of Disbelief
Is the fundamental proposition of conscientiology in which the researcher does not accept any dogmatic, mystical or aprioristic idea without reflection and submission of it to a critical, dispassionate and rational analysis.conscientiology interact
The above article reveals that in this blog I have no intention of convincing you to anything. On the contrary this is a blog for you to think, research, analyze, decide ... and most of all:
Do not believe what I say here. Manage yourself, own yourself, and draw your own conclusions through your self-experiments. Abandon the belief and invest in your intimate certainty.This is the best business you can do for your evolution.
Read below one of my experiences that is among the fixed texts of the pages of this blog. It's a laboratory experiment.
In this way, see the following interview and, through self-experience, respond to yourself:
Lah HernandesEste é um blog para você pensar
Não acredite no que eu digo aqui. Administre-se, seja seu dono e tire suas próprias conclusões através de suas autoexperiências. Abandone a crença e invista na sua certeza íntima.
Este é o melhor "negócio" que você pode fazer pela sua evolução.
Leia, abaixo, uma das minhas experiências que está fixada nas páginas deste blog. É uma experiência de laboratório.
Isto posto, veja a entrevista seguinte e, através da auto experimentação, responda a si mesmo:
Lah Hernandes(From Magazine Year Zero / May-1991 / Pages 40-43)
Interview with Waldo Vieira
Projectiology - A Neoscience born in Brazil Waldo Vieira is a physician, researcher and veteran of the so-called EXPERIENCES OUTSIDE THE BODY. He directs the most important world center of studies on ASTRAL PROJECTION, the INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF PROJECIOLOGY of Rio de Janeiro. Member of SOCIETY FOR PSYCHICAL RESEARCH in London, and of AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR PSYCHICAL RESEARCH in New York, among others, Waldo summed up everything that is known about the subject in a volume with more than 900 pages. The book "PROJECIOLOGY" is now spread all over the world. Two of these specimens are found in the Brazilian scientific research station in Antarctica. Some researchers based there seek relief from the loneliness of the long days and nights of the South Pole visiting their families through astral journeys.
Waldo, what does Projectiology study?
The conscious projection and its related phenomena. Projection is an extracorporeal experience that we also call lucid unfolding, astral travel, astral projection, O.O.B.E (out-of-the-body experience). But the thing is not restricted to the experience itself. Projectiology aims at deep self-knowledge. It prevents religious mysticism, fanaticism, ignorance or any kind of superstition from taking away individual freedom from manifestation. No brainwashing or any kind of sacralization. The fanatic is interfering, radical and almost always disrespectful. Free from these conditions the person grows as a human being and realizes that he must respect others.
Does it mean that projectiology is against indoctrination?
We respect all doctrines, but the main concept of our study is: "Do not believe anyone and nothing. Try it". It sounds like a materialistic statement, but it is not. On the contrary, it is spiritualistic, because we are exalting consciousness. One must experience experience directly and on their own. Through her experience, unique and personalized, she will overcome the obstacle of incitement, that is, ignorance about herself.
Apparently this pushes away Projectiology from what is generally understood by scientific research.
We are just not attached to the mechanism of the Newtonian-Cartesian paradigm, which is materialistic and physicalistic. This does not necessarily mean the denial of Science. On the contrary, we need it. In fact, of all lines of human thought, it is the least worst. Science is not yet ideal because it has not respected ethics as much as one might expect. See the problems that the world faces at the moment, especially in the area of ecology.
But is this caused by Science or its misuse?Management is also a science. That is where we generally move away from ethics. It is necessary that we have self-criticism to gain the freedom to determine the trajectory of society.
What is astral projection?Man is composed of several overlapping layers of energy called "bodies." The physical body is the layer perceived by the physical senses, which does not prevent the detection of the others through several processes. The seat of individuality, of intelligence, is found in the physical body when all other layers are in coincidence, that is, when the person is awake. With sleep, it is as if the body connects the "autopilot" of the autonomous functions, and the thirst of the self, along with the other layers, leaves the physical body. The normal functions of the individual are inhibited by sleep and everything happens as if nothing had happened. What can happen is that the person suddenly finds himself floating around the room like a balloon or observing his own sleeping body. This phenomenon almost always occurs spontaneously and whoever experiences it often refrains from commenting on it, for fear of the reaction of others. Astral projection is very common in adolescence. When the young man tells his parents that he has a projection, they usually try to reassure the child by trying to convince him that it was all a dream. In some cases, seek a doctor immediately. Nowadays, with the greatest disclosure of studies on this type of phenomenon, it has become easier to talk about it without running the risk of being hospitalized in a clinic.
In general terms, what should one do to experience an astral Projection?
Do not try without competent knowledge or assistance. But it's not as difficult to achieve as it sounds. We all perform the astral projection involuntarily at night during sleep. The elementary instructions given in our course are simple. At first, one must accept the fact that its limit is not restricted to the physical body. The most powerful inhibiting force lies precisely in this false notion. One must also learn to relax. There are several methods for this. The most common is to lie on your stomach using light clothing and without blankets. Then tilt your head slightly to the side to avoid the open mouth during projection. This prevents the throat from drying out. Attention should be focused on all parts of the body, making sure they are free of tension. It is not very easy, but with constant exercise one can quickly get relaxation. This process should begin from the feet to the scalp. Muscles should be relaxed individually. Then count from 50 to 1. It is necessary to keep the breath paced, trying to empty the mind and focus exclusively on the numbers. It is also essential that there is no guilty feeling that you do not know yourself deeply. This happens only because you have been programmed since you were born to live imprisoned in your own body.
Another basic question is whether we are awake or asleep. This remark may seem foolish, but under certain circumstances the thing is not very easy. Being able to distinguish whether we are awake or asleep, a great step has already been taken. We recommend that the person repeat, for a month, at least 20 times a day, the following question: "Am I sleeping or am I awake?". Then answer, "I'm awake." This question should be asked every time you change your environment. Through it reasoning had accustomed his mind to becoming aware of the waking state permanently. Usually, in the third week of this exercise you will have the surprise of asking yourself "am I awake or asleep?" And respond "my body is asleep but I am still awake". You will be out of body and would not have realized it before. When this happens, one should control feelings of fear or euphoria. There is, under no circumstances, danger of injury to your body during an outing. No spiritual force can take possession of your body in its absence. What can happen is a phenomenon common to the first experiences: the temporary disinterest for physical life and its daily difficulties. But this, when it occurs, is fleeting. Soon the person learns to give due value to the miracle of life and the prestigious opportunity to occupy this fantastic machine that is the human body.
After all, how did it all start?
At age 9, I had a conscious projection, proven by the family and people attached to it. My brother was very sick, already disillusioned by the doctors. It was proved that I had left my body, gone to the next room and seen, not only what they were doing with my brother, but also what would happen to him. From then on, many other similar events were happening, more and more frequent. Over time, I began to dominate the process. At that time, I had an essentially Spiritist view of the phenomenon. I edited, along with Chico Xavier, several psychographical books that helped spread spiritism throughout the country and abroad.
Was your family religious?
Was a spiritist. My training began with lessons in Christian Kardecist morality. Soon I was plunging into a very great conflict, because the exaltation of mediumship is an integral part of the Spiritist movement. And I would tell everyone: "Look, it's good that instead of mediumship, you get into the unfolding." Get out of the body and go there, see the thing directly. If we can eliminate the middleman, why become dependent on an entity manifested by a medium? I had had retrocognitions since I was a boy, a memory of past incarnations, with a lot of lucidity. That is where he concludes: I am repeating what I have already done. The context was the same, but the setting and the language were different. When I got to that level, I thought, other people must be going through this. And I started looking for them. I talked to a lot of people and since I was 17 I started to write in a notebook, data about astral projection. My family had few resources. I left home at 12 and never came back because I wanted to pay for my studies and those of my brothers. I went to Uberaba. While studying, I began to work with Mário Palmério, who is nowadays a renowned writer. I took a course in Dentistry and after Medicine. From the acquired knowledge, I was able to develop a more conscious study of the phenomena called paranormal. At this point, I started traveling all over Brazil, always researching and exchanging ideas. I began to see the astral projection as a physiological phenomenon, as well as eating or breathing. I decided to devote myself to his specific study at the age of 34 in 1966. I left everything to devote myself full-time to the projection. I published works and became part of the international parapsychology societies of Europe, the United States and Latin America.
Can anyone be able to perform an astral projection?
No doubt. It is an inescapable achievement. Anyone is a "projector."
Is there any research that proves this?
According to international statistics, 89% of people have unconscious projections, since almost everyone leaves the body while sleeping. Remaining 11%. Of these, 9.8% have the so-called semi-conscious projections, or the "lucid dream". It is when the subject knows that he is dreaming and even puts some intention in the dream to modify it. It is outside the consciential micro-universe located in the human body. Only 1.2% of the world population can make fully lucid projections, that is, they are conscious projectors. This is the case with most of the people working here at the Institute.
How are projections proven?
A person makes a projection and his consciousness goes, for example, to another city, where someone known is performing some task. We then telephoned this person and confirmed that at the time he was doing what was perceived by the projector, if he was wearing so-so clothes, etc. Sometimes during the projections, the vision is impressively detailed. This is always appalling for those who have little experience. It is a phenomenon that convinces itself.
What are the main objectives of the projection?
It is not a panacea, but its possibilities can be glimpsed: self-knowledge in its totality, the possibility of traveling in time and space without barriers, access to the various dimensions of reality, contact with entities of all levels of enlightenment , the increasing ability to give energy to the needy ... A lot that points to a comprehensive and enlightened universalism.
Could the astral projection be used by people of dubious interests?
The immediacy of our diseased world could divert the meaning of research. For example, penetrating strategic locations in search of military or industrial secrets, spying on the lives of others, finding ways to enable rapid enrichment, such as discovering confidential information in the business world, the stock market, etc. Fortunately, the exits of the body are monitored by enlightened spirits. They help us understand the transience of earthly things. Some of these beings who perform this task are the "big serene."
What is a "big serene"?
Throughout my "journeys," I have been in the most amazing places, like other planets and other dimensions. I ended up having contact with all kinds of entities. Some, still plunged into ignorance, seem to be outcasts of science fiction films. They are usually unhealthy and traumatized by violent experiences experienced in physical life. On the other hand, I had the opportunity to get in touch with very developed, tranquil beings deprived of religious dogmas, nationalist identities, doctrines, etc. I chose the name of "big serene" to designate them because of their appearance of dynamic beatitude. "big serene" has existed since the appearance of humanity on earth. Like men, they came, in successive spiritual levies, from various corners of the universe. They are completing the reincarnational circle and have developed an improved cosmo-ethics based primarily on universal love, impersonal help to others. Honors and passions no longer make sense in your vibrational plan. The "big serene" are absolutely anonymous and do not seek reward for their deeds.
Can we evolve to that level?
Yes, I could summarize our evolution in 4 levels. First the mediocre level: consciousness sleepwalked, fastened to the common wheel of successive incarnations. Second, the helper: one who, consciously, in constant work, watches incarnate beings and discarnate entities. Third, the pre-serenity: who already lives his last incarnations but ignores the others. Fourth, the "big serene": one who lives his last incarnations fully aware of this fact. After these phases, the spirit will be pure, that is, free of the incarnational ciranda.
Is projection a recent experience?
No. People had been leaving the body for more than two millennia, as recorded in the Bible. There are also records that projection has frequently occurred during near-death experiences.
What is near-death?
There is a great deal of near-death experience nowadays, when the dying man ends up having a terrible outburst of his body. After this the patient usually reestablishes himself, and from then on he will never be the same again. Most begin to develop paranormal psychic powers that hitherto had never manifested. There is an international publication specialized in this subject that has circulated for seven years. But near-death is only one of the 52 manifestations of astral projection.
Does this experience have limits?
Consciousness has as the most precious evolutionary achievement the level of its lucidity. Projectiology aims at lucidity in any consciential state in which we are manifesting, sleeping or awake. The ideal is to be conscious 24 hours a day.
Why do not all mediums seek development through projectiology?
It was probably an egrégora problem. People, in general, follow a tradition and can not easily get out of it. This coagulates the thought, making it neophobic.
Is not that the thing that a man attacks that which he does not know?
Exactly. It is neophobia, the fear of the new. Today, however, psychology already admits everything. Kune, the great scientist of the paradigm revolution, says that in order to change the model in certain areas of knowledge, it is necessary for at least one generation to disappear because people are trapped in the fixed idea process. In Projectiology, we call it "monoideismo"(unique idea).
To what extent does projecjeology challenge traditional scientific research?
What we do here and use the conscience as an instrument. We are not concerned that conventional science comes out of the dilemma in which it entered. Evidently, we leave the human body and see that in another dimension we can have many other vehicles of manifestation. But our instrument is not material, it is consciential. It is not possible to "measure" the phenomenon of projection in scientific terms.
What are the arguments for projectiology in order to proclaim a neoscience?
It's like Columbus's egg. Without instruments to analyze the conscience, we use our own conscience as an instrument. Conventional science does not admit that you experience it yourself, that is, introversion. Here in the Institute, each one listens to one's own conscience, reasons, learns from it, and exchanges this knowledge with others. There you reach a consensus, as a holistic solution to the mind versus matter dilemma. Projectiology allows us to overcome the division between brain and consciousness.
Does traditional science show any difficulty in accepting Projectiology?
This is not exactly our concern. Science has long ceased to study the phenomenon of consciousness. It should have the obligation to study any kind of phenomenon involved in this process, but it has no instrumentality to do so. We had to choose to follow science anyway or look for another form of procedure. So we decided to take the scientific path. Our greatest affinity with science is that, despite all its snags, it demands rebuttal. You can see the reminder that we have here in the Institute: "Do not believe anything you are told, not even what is said here. Try it."
Cecelia’s Psychics
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Don't believe in anything. Experiment and...
"Prefer to invest in your potential for victory" (Brother Felix - Audiobook: SEX AND DESTINY - Part 01; Ch 05)
"Trafor" (Waldo Vieira neologism for his term of force-trait)
Our force-trait or trafor is nothing more than our best qualities or our "potential for victory," as Brother Felix says. And, yes, better you prefer to invest in your force-trait because, as it gains strength, it weakens your trafar (burden-trait or imperfections..., if you prefer to say so).
In opposition to your force-trait your burden-trait is nothing more than your biggest failures, imperfections, immaturity; your greatest difficulties ...
Example of how to weaken the burden-trait by potentializing the force-trait: Suppose your greatest qualities are gratitude and generosity and your greatest imperfections, immaturities, great deviation in conduct...are intolerance and impatience.
When you resolve to potentiate your gratitude and generosity force-trait toward someone you are immensely grateful for but for some reason he or she awakens your intolerance and impatience burden-trait, it is natural that, for reason of your gratitude and generosity, you feel motivated to improve your intolerance and impatience to this person, for the purpose of maintaining a better possible relationship with he or she. This will be natural, because your gratitude / generosity for this person are such that you will feel motivated to make a redoubled effort to be tolerant and patient with someone so deserving of being tolerated by you in any circumstance. The wonderful consequence will be: you will gradually learn to extend this behavior to other people.
This seems obvious, however, you always use "Principle of Disbelief"(Waldo Vieira) , that is, do not believe anything I've just told you. Make your personal and non-transferable experiences. Try to weaken your trafar (burden-trait) with your trafor (force-trait) and will have a proof of what I said ... or not.
Being successful in this experiment depends only on you.
I hope I was clear.
"Definition The trafar-trafor binomial is an explanation of the coexistence relationship in the consciential micro-universe and an interconscientiality of inexperience, weakness, incompetence with experience, strength and competence, generating the process of evolutionary dynamism for work always helping to work.
Synonymy: 1. Evolutionary traf-trafor dynamics. 2. Foundation of evolutionary interaction.
Antonimology: 1. Perfectionism. 2. Absolute purity"
Thank you very much all! Lah Hernandes
Example of how to weaken the burden-trait by potentializing the force-trait:
When you resolve to potentiate your gratitude and generosity force-trait toward someone you are immensely grateful for but for some reason he or she awakens your intolerance and impatience burden-trait, it is natural that, for reason of your gratitude and generosity, you feel motivated to improve your intolerance and impatience to this person, for the purpose of maintaining a better possible relationship with he or she.
Being successful in this experiment depends only on you.
"Definition The trafar-trafor binomial is an explanation of the coexistence relationship in the consciential micro-universe and an interconscientiality of inexperience, weakness, incompetence with experience, strength and competence, generating the process of evolutionary dynamism for work always helping to work.
Synonymy: 1. Evolutionary traf-trafor dynamics. 2. Foundation of evolutionary interaction.
Antonimology: 1. Perfectionism. 2. Absolute purity"
"Prefira investir no seu potencial de vitória" (irmão Félix - audio book: Sexo e Destino - 1ª parte - Capítulo 5)
By Lah Hernandes
"Trafor" (Neologismo de Waldo Vieira para seu termo traço-força)
O seu traço-força nada mais é do que as suas melhores qualidades ou seu "potencial de vitória", como diz irmão Félix. E, sim, prefira investir no seu "trafor", pois, a medida que este ganha força vai enfraquecendo o seu "trafar"(traço-fardo).
Exemplo de como enfraquecer o "trafar" potencializando o "trafor":
Quando você resolve potencializar o seu "trafor" gratidão e ou generosidade para com alguém a quem você é imensamente grato mas que, por algum motivo, desperta em você sua intolerância e/ou impaciência, é natural que, por gratidão e/ou generosidade potencializados você seja, de certa forma, obrigado a "burilar" sua intolerância e ou impaciência para com esse alguém a fim de manter a melhor relação possível com este,
Isso parece óbvio, todavia se utilize do "Princípio da Descrença"(Waldo Vieira) sempre , ou seja, não acredite em nada do que acabei de dizer a você. Faça suas experiências personalíssimas e intransferíveis. Experimente enfraquecer seu "trafar ou trafares" com o seu "trafor ou trafores" e terá a comprovação do que eu te disse...ou não.
Binômio trafar-trafor
"Definologia. O binômio trafar-trafor é a explicitação da relação de coexistência no microuniverso consciencial e na interconsciencialidade da inexperiência, fraqueza, incompetência com a experiência, força e competência gerando o processo de dinamização evolutiva pelo trafor sempre ajudando o trafar.
Sinonimologia: 1. Dinâmica evolutiva trafar-trafor. 2. Fundamento da interação evolutiva.
Antonimologia: 1. Perfeccionismo. 2. Pureza absoluta."
Until then, I had been using the Namaste greeting.Namastê is an mainly hindu salutation that means, among some other meanings, the divinity that inhabits in me salutes the divinity that lives in you, but in this case understand like: ANAMASTE - I am adding the A ahead of Namaste like representation of Amparador(Invisible Helper) , then I am understanding that my amparador is asking me to adopt this new greeting, so:
ANAMASTE: My amparador greets you and your amparador, invisible helper, spirit of light helper..., as you prefer.
May we learn from the invisible helpers to seek our proexies or existential programming(Waldo Vieira) make this the reason for living and respecting the choices of others.
Waldo was an eternal SELF-TAUGHT
(Self-learning: in português: autodidatismo/autodidata) is very serious, important and infinite. Studying on its own with discernmentand literary choice of self-level (pro evolutionary), expands consciousness,much more than studying in any educational institution no matter how highlyregarded this institution is.Waldo was the greatest self-taught of his time and, in my opinion, of all time. And also, in my opinion, he was better in everything!
ANAMASTE: My amparador greets you and your amparador, invisible helper, spirit of light helper..., as you prefer.
May we learn from the invisible helpers to seek our proexies or existential programming(Waldo Vieira) make this the reason for living and respecting the choices of others.
(Self-learning: in português: autodidatismo/autodidata) is very serious, important and infinite. Studying on its own with discernment
"Internationally recognized as the most important and complete scientific treatise on the experience outside the human body (projection of consciousness), it is the reference work that bases the science ..."
Date of first publication: 1986
Google Books
"Internationally recognized as the most important and complete scientific treatise on the experience outside the human body (projection of consciousness), it is the reference work that bases the science ..."
Date of first publication: 1986
Google Books
Laboratory Experience
By Lah Hernandes
One of My Experiences on Projections of Consciousness or O.O.B.E. (out-of-the-body experience)
In a certain event at CEAEC - Center for Higher Studies of Conscientiology; Foz do Iguaçu; Brazil - I entered the laboratory of projection of consciousness, prepared everything, sat in the armchair and began to do basic energy mobilization exercise; an exercise I learned from the first courses of IIPC - International Institute of Projectiology and Conscientiology. But as I began to feel an uneasiness incompatible with the practice, I decided to interrupt it to make notes related to it.
I got up from the chair and went to the table. I tried to pick up the sheet of paper with my hand several times, but I could not. My hand went through paper without even moving it as little as possible. Then I thought, "I am out of my body as lucidly as I have never been before ." It was unbelievable !!!
Perplex, I turned to look at the armchair and there was my inert body.
After the "fright", I was excited and I floated to the top of one of the walls.
Up there, I began to try to cross the wall, first with my hands. With a little insistence I felt my arm as if sucked by the wall and, suddenly, I was already outside the CEAEC campus.
The campus was stunningly clear. Without hesitation, I returned to the entrance of the campus and decided to reach the reception.
To my surprise, a teenage colleague of the Nutrition and Dietetics course was waiting for me; I was a student of that course at the time. She cried a lot and said that things were very bad in her house. I tried to protect her and know what exactly was happening in her house. She just cried and said she was not sure what the problem was. So I told her to come home and that as soon as we were in the ETE (São Paulo State Technical School) we would talk.
After that I remember going straight back to the lab without redoing the course. Something like, "I thought, I came back."
After the event, I returned to São Paulo.
Already in the ETE, I entered the empty room and sat in the chair as always.
Few of the students were coming in, and the classmate came in and sat down next to me.
I asked her if everything was okay and she said yes. I pressed the question asking if everything was well in her home. She said yes. She was smiling and calm. I tried not to self-suggest with the expectations of success of my experiment and to focus on the desire for what was best for everyone, as I learned from Waldo Vieira that this is the best and most sensible desire we can have.
A few days later, sitting in the same chair, I was suddenly surprised at her entrance exactly like she introduced herself to me at CEAEC, only she cried more quietly than during my conscious out-of-the-body-experience (O.O.B.E.) .
To my "astonishment" she told me the same thing that she said at the CEAEC reception and I only gave her affection and attention since she could not even say what was happening, she only assumed, so it seemed the conduct of her parents, that things were not going well between them. She feared for their separation. I was perplexed by this occurrence. It was the realization that my classmate and I really found ourselves in the "extraphysical" dimension during my CEAEC laboratory experiment. I hardly believed that it had just happened and it stunned me for a few days.
However, as I always say, no one has to believe in any of this. The only thing I can say is that only the person and his experiences can provide him with his own inner certainties. So, if you are interested, I suggest that you research the institutions of Conscientiology and, if possible, go to CEAEC and do the lab practices. I answer only for myself.
This was just one of many experiments on projections of consciousness or O.O.B.E. that I had before and after knowing PROJECIOLOGY.
Thank you very much to all!
In a certain event at CEAEC - Center for Higher Studies of Conscientiology; Foz do Iguaçu; Brazil - I entered the laboratory of projection of consciousness, prepared everything, sat in the armchair and began to do basic energy mobilization exercise; an exercise I learned from the first courses of IIPC - International Institute of Projectiology and Conscientiology. But as I began to feel an uneasiness incompatible with the practice, I decided to interrupt it to make notes related to it.
I got up from the chair and went to the table. I tried to pick up the sheet of paper with my hand several times, but I could not. My hand went through paper without even moving it as little as possible. Then I thought, "I am out of my body as lucidly as I have never been before ." It was unbelievable !!!
Perplex, I turned to look at the armchair and there was my inert body.
After the "fright", I was excited and I floated to the top of one of the walls.
Up there, I began to try to cross the wall, first with my hands. With a little insistence I felt my arm as if sucked by the wall and, suddenly, I was already outside the CEAEC campus.
The campus was stunningly clear. Without hesitation, I returned to the entrance of the campus and decided to reach the reception.
To my surprise, a teenage colleague of the Nutrition and Dietetics course was waiting for me; I was a student of that course at the time. She cried a lot and said that things were very bad in her house. I tried to protect her and know what exactly was happening in her house. She just cried and said she was not sure what the problem was. So I told her to come home and that as soon as we were in the ETE (São Paulo State Technical School) we would talk.
After that I remember going straight back to the lab without redoing the course. Something like, "I thought, I came back."
After the event, I returned to São Paulo.
Already in the ETE, I entered the empty room and sat in the chair as always.
Few of the students were coming in, and the classmate came in and sat down next to me.
I asked her if everything was okay and she said yes. I pressed the question asking if everything was well in her home. She said yes. She was smiling and calm. I tried not to self-suggest with the expectations of success of my experiment and to focus on the desire for what was best for everyone, as I learned from Waldo Vieira that this is the best and most sensible desire we can have.
A few days later, sitting in the same chair, I was suddenly surprised at her entrance exactly like she introduced herself to me at CEAEC, only she cried more quietly than during my conscious out-of-the-body-experience (O.O.B.E.) .
To my "astonishment" she told me the same thing that she said at the CEAEC reception and I only gave her affection and attention since she could not even say what was happening, she only assumed, so it seemed the conduct of her parents, that things were not going well between them. She feared for their separation. I was perplexed by this occurrence. It was the realization that my classmate and I really found ourselves in the "extraphysical" dimension during my CEAEC laboratory experiment. I hardly believed that it had just happened and it stunned me for a few days.
However, as I always say, no one has to believe in any of this. The only thing I can say is that only the person and his experiences can provide him with his own inner certainties. So, if you are interested, I suggest that you research the institutions of Conscientiology and, if possible, go to CEAEC and do the lab practices. I answer only for myself.
This was just one of many experiments on projections of consciousness or O.O.B.E. that I had before and after knowing PROJECIOLOGY.
Thank you very much to all!
Sexosomatic - HOLORGASM
Frases da Conscienciologia – 000293
"Holorgasm is the unit of measurement of the maturity of our sexuality in the condition of human consciousness."
Page 2 What is Conscientiology [electronic book]. 4th edition. Page 82.
Holorgasm (holo + orgasm) - holosomatic orgasm, maximum ecstasy generated by the energies of the whole holosome.
Holosoma (holo + soma) - Set of vehicles of manifestation of the intraphysical consciousness: sum, holochakra, psychosoma and mentalsoma; and of the consciex: psychosoma and mentalsoma. "(Waldo Vieira)
Well, if you did not understand almost nothing I will give below some explanations to facilitate the understanding:
conscin: intraphysical consciousness (the individual, the human being)
sum: body
vehicles of manifestation: the physical body and the "energetic" or more subtle bodies popularly known as spirit, soul, essence, as you prefer
holochakra: the whole or all of the * chakra
psychosoma: popularly known as fluidic casing that connects the body with the spirit; psychic body, perispirit (spiritism)
mentalsoma: mental body, seat of consciousness ...
consciex: extraphysical consciousness: popularly known as spirit or disembodied body.
* chakras: "from Sanskrit - are the centers of force situated in the energy body and whose main function is the absorption of energy - prana, chi - from the environment into the energy field and the physical body. of energetic bridge between the spiritual body and the physical body."-Wagner Borges
“We are minimal parts in a MAXI MECHANISM” (Waldo Vieira)
These are the words of John Donne's Renaissance poet:"No man is an isolated island: every man is a particle of the continent, a part of the earth, if a lump is dragged into the sea, Europe is diminished, as if it were a promontory, as if it were the house of His friends or Their own, the death of any man diminishes me, because I am part of the human race and therefore do not ask for whom the bell tolls, they double for you.For me this means that man should not behave selfishly, should relate to others, because it is up to them to live. Any other man who dies, dies a little, because it depends on him to continue living. So you should not ask who the bells bend to announce a death, because it is also, in fact, announcing its own.This is beautiful. It also makes me tremble.Ernest Hemingway used this phrase "For whom the bell rings" to write a book that turned out to be a beautiful movie with Gary Cooper and Ingrid Bergman.Sources):Http://www.partes.com.br/ed48/reflexao.a.Luiz Sabra
TEACTICS: Waldo Vieira's neologism which means theory associated with practice
Gratitude may be only theoretical, which means almost nothing.
Teactics: Gratitude associated with Retribution, that is, theory associated with practice, which means a lot and has immeasurable value.
If you liked or were useful to you this article contributes to the maintenance of the non-profit institutions of Conscientiology. The ways to help are on the page: Who We Are - IIPC - International Institute of Projectiology and Conscientiology
"Holorgasm is the unit of measurement of the maturity of our sexuality in the condition of human consciousness."
Page 2 What is Conscientiology [electronic book]. 4th edition. Page 82.
Holorgasm (holo + orgasm) - holosomatic orgasm, maximum ecstasy generated by the energies of the whole holosome.
Holosoma (holo + soma) - Set of vehicles of manifestation of the intraphysical consciousness: sum, holochakra, psychosoma and mentalsoma; and of the consciex: psychosoma and mentalsoma. "(Waldo Vieira)
conscin: intraphysical consciousness (the individual, the human being)
sum: body
vehicles of manifestation: the physical body and the "energetic" or more subtle bodies popularly known as spirit, soul, essence, as you prefer
holochakra: the whole or all of the * chakra
psychosoma: popularly known as fluidic casing that connects the body with the spirit; psychic body, perispirit (spiritism)
mentalsoma: mental body, seat of consciousness ...
consciex: extraphysical consciousness: popularly known as spirit or disembodied body.
* chakras: "from Sanskrit - are the centers of force situated in the energy body and whose main function is the absorption of energy - prana, chi - from the environment into the energy field and the physical body. of energetic bridge between the spiritual body and the physical body."-Wagner Borges
These are the words of John Donne's Renaissance poet:
Gratitude may be only theoretical, which means almost nothing.
If you liked or were useful to you this article contributes to the maintenance of the non-profit institutions of Conscientiology.
Quem Somos - IIPC
Editares | A Editora da Conscienciologia | Foz do Iguaçu
See here in this blog : SEX and DESTINY - CAP. 1 - Chico Xavier and Waldo Vieira(by André Luiz spirit) ...
See the movie: David's House - Unity Atibaia, union with Our Lar.
movie link:
Casa de David -
Unidade Atibaia,
união com Nosso
Thank you so much, my friends.
Lah Hernandes
movie link:
Casa de David -
Unidade Atibaia,
união com Nosso
Lah Hernandes
Até Março/2017, eu me utilizei da saudação Namastê.
Namastê é uma saudação principalmente hinduísta que significa, entre algumas outras definições, a divindade que habita em mim saúda a divindade que habita em você, mas nesse caso entendam como: "ANAMASTE" - estou acrescentando o A à frente de Namastê como representação de Amparador, assim, estou entendendo que meu amparador está me pedindo para adotar essa nova saudação, então:
"ANAMASTE": Meu amparador saúda você e o seu amparador, auxiliar invisível, espírito de luz ampatador, mentor....como você preferir...
Que aprendamos com os amparadores , a buscar nossa "proéxis", programação existencial(Waldo Vieira), fazer desta a razão de viver e respeitar as escolhas dos outros.
Waldo era um eterno AUTODIDATA.
O Autodidatismo é muito sério, muito importante...e estudar por conta própria, com discernimento a respeito de literatura de alto nível(assuntos pró-evolutivos) expande a consciência muito mais do que estudar em qualquer instituição educacional, não importa quão altamente considerada esta instituição seja. Waldo foi o maior autodidata do seu tempo e de todos os tempos, na minha opinião. Também, na minha opinião: Ele foi o melhor em tudo!
Namastê é uma saudação principalmente hinduísta que significa, entre algumas outras definições, a divindade que habita em mim saúda a divindade que habita em você, mas nesse caso entendam como: "ANAMASTE" - estou acrescentando o A à frente de Namastê como representação de Amparador, assim, estou entendendo que meu amparador está me pedindo para adotar essa nova saudação, então:
"ANAMASTE": Meu amparador saúda você e o seu amparador, auxiliar invisível, espírito de luz ampatador, mentor....como você preferir...
Waldo era um eterno AUTODIDATA.
O Autodidatismo é muito sério, muito importante...e estudar por conta própria, com discernimento a respeito de literatura de alto nível(assuntos pró-evolutivos) expande a consciência muito mais do que estudar em qualquer instituição educacional, não importa quão altamente considerada esta instituição seja. Waldo foi o maior autodidata do seu tempo e de todos os tempos, na minha opinião. Também, na minha opinião: Ele foi o melhor em tudo!
Experiência de Laboratório
By Lah Hernandes
Uma de Minhas Experiências sobre Projeções da Consciencia ou O.O.B.E.
Em um determinado evento no CEAEC - Centro de Altos Estudos da Conscienciologia, Foz do Iguaçu, Brasil - entrei no laboratório da projeção da consciência, preparei tudo,sentei-me na poltrona e comecei a fazer o exercício de mobilização básica de energia (exercício esse que aprendi com os primeiros cursos do IIPC - Instituto Internacional de Projeciologia e Conscienciologia). Porém, como passei a sentir um desassossego incompatível com a prática, resolvi interrompe-la para fazer anotações relacionadas a isso.
Levantei-me da poltrona e fui em direção à mesa. Levei a mão à folha de papel mas não consegui apanha-lo. Tentei pega-lo diversas vezes mas a minha mão passava através dele sem ao menos move-lo o mínimo que fosse. Então pensei: Estou fora do meu corpo tão lucidamente como jamais estive. Era inacreditável!!!
Perplexa, virei-me para olhar a poltrona e lá estava meu corpo inerte.
Passado o "susto", fiquei entusiasmada e volitei até a parte mais alta de uma das paredes.
Lá no alto, passei a tentar atravessar a parede, primeiro com as mãos.Com um pouco de insistência senti o braço como se sugado pela parede e, de pronto, eu já estava do lado de fora do campus do CEAEC.
O campus estava impressionantemente límpido.
Sem hesitação, volitei até próximo à entrada do campus e resolvi chegar à recepção.
Para minha surpresa, lá estava a minha espera uma colega adolescente do curso de Nutrição e Dietética (eu era aluna desse curso na época).Ela chorava muito e dizia que as coisas estavam muito ruins em sua casa. Tentei ampara-la e saber o que , exatamente, se passava em sua casa. Ela apenas chorava e dizia não saber ao certo qual era o problema. Então eu disse a ela que voltasse pra casa e que assim que estivéssemos na ETE (Escola Técnica Estadual de São Paulo) conversaríamos.
Depois disso lembro-me de ter volitado direto ao laboratório sem refazer o percurso. Algo como: "pensei, voltei".
Finalizado o evento, retornei para São Paulo.
Já na ETE, entrei na sala vazia e sentei-me na cadeira de sempre.
Poucos alunos iam chegando e a colega mencionada entrou e sentou-se ao meu lado. Perguntei-lhe se estava tudo bem e ela me respondeu que sim. Insisti na pergunta indagando se em sua casa estava tudo em ordem. Ela respondeu que sim.
Ela estava sorridente e tranquila. Eu tentei não me auto sugestionar com expectativas de sucesso do meu experimento e focar no desejo de que acontecesse o que fosse melhor para todos, como aprendi com Waldo Vieira que esse é o melhor e mais sensato desejo que podemos ter.
Passados alguns dias, sentada na mesma cadeira, fui subitamente surpreendida com a entrada dela exatamente como se apresentou a mim no CEAEC, só que chorava mais discretamente do que durante a minha projeção consciente ou OOBE(out-of-the-body- experience).
Para meu "espanto" ela disse-me a mesmíssima coisa que disse na recepção do CEAEC e eu apenas lhe dei carinho e atenção já que ela sequer sabia dizer o que estava acontecendo, apenas presumia , pelo que aparentava a conduta de seus pais, que as coisas não iam nada bem entre eles. Ela temia pela separação deles. Fiquei perplexa com essa ocorrência. Era a constatação de que minha colega de classe e eu realmente nos encontramos na dimensão extrafísica durante o meu experimento de laboratório do CEAEC. Eu mal acreditava que aquilo acabara de acontecer e isso me atordoou por alguns dias.
Entretanto, como sempre digo, ninguém precisa acreditar em nada disso. A única coisa que posso dizer é que apenas a pessoa e suas experiências podem lhe proporcionar as próprias certezas íntimas. Assim, caso você tenha interesse, sugiro que pesquise sobre as instituições da Cosncienciologia e, se possível, vá ao CEAEC e faça as práticas dos laboratórios. Eu respondo apenas por mim.
Essa foi apenas uma das muitas experiências sobre projeções da consciência ou OOBE que eu tive antes e depois de conhecer a PROJECIOLOGIA.
Sexossomática - HOLORGASMO
Uma de Minhas Experiências sobre Projeções da Consciencia ou O.O.B.E.
Perplexa, virei-me para olhar a poltrona e lá estava meu corpo inerte.
Sem hesitação, volitei até próximo à entrada do campus e resolvi chegar à recepção.
Frases da Conscienciologia – 000293
“O holorgasmo é a unidade de medida da maturidade de nossa sexualidade na condição de consciências humanas.”
Vieira, Waldo. O que é a Conscienciologia [livro eletrônico]. 4ª edição. Página 82.
"Holorgasmo" (holo + orgasmo) – Orgasmo holossomático; êxtase máximo gerado pelas energias de todo o holossoma.
"Holossoma" (holo + soma) – Conjunto dos veículos de manifestação da conscin: soma, holochacra, psicossoma e mentalsoma; e da consciex: psicossoma e mentalsoma." (Waldo Vieira)
Bem, se você não entendeu quase nada darei abaixo algumas explicações para facilitar a compreensão:
"conscin": consciência intrafíca (o indivíduo, o ser humano)
soma: corpo
"veículos de manifestação": o corpo físico e os corpo mais sutis popularmente conhecidos como espírito, alma, essência, como você preferir.
"holochacra": o conjunto ou totalidade dos *chacras.
"psicossoma": popularmente conhecido como envólucro fluídico que liga o corpo ao espírito; corpo psíquico, perispírito(espiritismo).
"mentalsoma": corpo mental, sede da consciência...
"consciex": consciência extrafísica: popularmente conhecido como espírito ou corpo desencarnado.
*chacras: "do sânscrito - são os centros de força situados no corpo energético e que têm como função principal a absorção de energia - prana , chi - do meio ambiente para o interior do campo energético e do corpo físico. Além disso, servem de ponte energética entre o corpo espiritual e o corpo físico." -Wagner Borges
“Somos Mine Peças num MAXIMECANISMO”Waldo Vieira
Palavras de John Donne poeta renascentista: “Nenhum homem é uma ilha isolada; cada homem é uma partícula do continente, uma parte da terra; se um torrão é arrastado para o mar, a Europa fica diminuída, como se fosse um promontório, como se fosse a casa dos teus amigos ou a tua própria; a morte de qualquer homem diminui-me, porque sou parte do gênero humano. E por isso não perguntes por quem os sinos dobram; eles dobram por ti”. Para mim significa que o homem não deve se comportar egoisticamente, deve se relacionar com os outros, pois depende deles para viver. Qualquer outro homem que morre, ele morre um pouco, pois depende dele para continuar vivendo. Por isso não deve perguntar por quem os sinos dobram anunciando uma morte, porque também está na realidade anunciando a dele própria. É lindo isso. Também me arrepia. Ernest Hemingway usou essa frase "Por Quem os Sinos Dobram" para escrever um livro que virou um lindo filme com Gary Cooper e Ingrid Bergman, que já vi inúmeras vezes.
Fonte(s):Luiz Sabra · 10 anos atrás
"TEÁTICA" : neologismo de Waldo Vieira que significa teoria associada à prática.
Gratidão pode ser apenas teórica, o que significa quase nada.
Teática: Gratidão associada à Retribuição, ou seja, teoria associada à prática, o que significa muito e tem valor imensurável.
Se você gostou e/ou foi útil para você este artigo, contribua para a manutenção das instituições, sem fins lucrativos, da Conscienciologia. As formas de ajudar estão no site:
Gratidão pode ser apenas teórica, o que significa quase nada.
Teática: Gratidão associada à Retribuição, ou seja, teoria associada à prática, o que significa muito e tem valor imensurável.
Quem Somos - IIPC
Editares | A Editora da Conscienciologia | Foz do Iguaçu
Então, se você gostou e / ou foi útil para você, este artigo, deposite qualquer quantia, por menor que seja, em uma conta da Casa de David para Excepcionais (problemas físicos e mentais: autismo, deficiências físicas e/ou intelectuais ) Suporte permanente.
Os números das contas estão no site casadedavid.org.br/quero-ajudar/
Faça sua pesquisa sobre esta casa, visite-a, se puder, mas acima de tudo: Divulgue / Ajude!
Muito obrigada meus amigos !!!
See too:WHAT IS CONSCIENTIOLOGY? - Waldo Vieira - O Que é ..