domingo, 25 de junho de 2017

"HOW LULA DECEIVED the WORLD" - Wall Street Journal | Lula: A Fraud, A Judas - "Even you, Brutus?"( Lah Hernandes) |Link: Waldo Vieira - Fissures of Lula ... | TEXTOS EM PORTUGUÊS E INGLÊS

The Wall Street Journal confessa aos leitores que o ex-presidente tapeou o mundo. 

The Wall Street Journal confesses to readers that the former president has deceived the world.

I do this translation in honor of my dear American readers (citizens of the United States) who represent  almost 70% of my total readers. So this translation is symbolic. I am not concerned with perfection, but with the Symbol of My Gratitude. For these dear and faithful readers, my affection, gratitude, respect ...


Por razões que desconheço, o vídeo acima se tornou indisponível na rede.
Manterei este artigo na rede para que os leitores, que ainda não tiveram oportunidade de ver, vejam informações de outros textos meus que complementam, fundamentam... a reportagem: Como Lula Enganou o Mundo

For reasons I don't know, the video above has become unavailable on the network.
I will keep this article on the network so that readers, who have not yet had the opportunity to see it, will see information from other texts by me that complement, substantiate, base ... the report: How Lula Deceived the World.

Homem coloca notas de reais dentro do paletó

Brazilian people: Let's stop with the Brazilian way error, because the small day-to-day corruptions, as seemingly harmless tips, are a root of evil that creeps steeply, forms a current of evil and wins force.