I do this translation in honor of my dear American readers (citizens of the United States) who represent almost 70% of my total readers. So this translation is symbolic. I am not concerned with perfection, but with the Symbol of My Gratitude. For these dear and faithful readers, my affection, gratitude, respect ...
Adapted "Principle of Disbelief"(Waldo Vieira): Don't believe in anything and anyone, not even what I say here on this blog. EXPERIMENT. Get your own results, conclusions ... in your personal EXPERIENCES.
Principle of Disbelief
Is the fundamental proposition of conscientiology in which the researcher does not accept any dogmatic, mystical or aprioristic idea without reflection and submission of it to a critical, dispassionate and rational analysis.conscientiology interact
The Moroe Institute
WilliamBuhlmanis a leading expert on out-of-body experiences. The author's forty years of extensive personal out-of-body explorations give him a unique and thought provoking insight into this subject. His first book, Adventures beyond the Body chronicles his personal journey of self-discovery through out-of-body travel and provides the reader with the preparation and techniques that can be used for their own adventure.
Over the past two decades William has developed an effective system to experience safe, self-initiated out-of-body adventures. He conducts an in-depth six-day workshop titled, Out-of-Body Exploration Intensive at the renowned Monroe Institute in Virginia.
Cecelia’s Psychics
Cecelia is a Clairvoyant, Healer, Medium & Australian Phone Psychic of over 38 years. Light worker, lover of life, miracles, animals & earth.
"Astral Travel or Projection, are terms used to describe the ‘out of body experience’. The existence of the Astral Plane and the Astral body is recorded in texts and esoteric material pre-dating cultures as ancient as the Phoenician, Chaldean and Sumerian.
Historically, in both the East and West, the existence of the astral body or the subtle body has long been acknowledged, and on the basis of that recognition, profound esoteric healing techniques and modalities were developed. These healing practices remain widely used to this present day with great efficacy. (...)
Astral projection or travel signifies the astral body leaving the physical to travel the astral plane.
It’s interesting to note that widespread accounts of ‘Astral Travel’ are documented in religious texts worldwide. (---)
For many of those who practice conscious Astral Projection, the experience, from the first instance, validates and reinforces the understanding that life after the death of the physical body — is a reality. All describe the experience of finding themselves outside their physical bodies, totally aware and present, able to see, hear... "
"Viagem astral ou projeção são termos usados para descrever a 'experiência fora do corpo'. A existência do plano astral e do corpo astral é registrada em textos e materiais esotéricos anteriores a culturas tão antigas como a fenícia, a caldeia e a suméria.
Historicamente, tanto no Oriente quanto no Ocidente, a existência do corpo astral ou do corpo sutil foi há muito reconhecida e, com base nesse reconhecimento, foram desenvolvidas técnicas e modalidades de cura esotérica profundas. Essas práticas de cura permanecem amplamente utilizadas até os dias de hoje com grande eficácia. (...)
A projeção ou viagem astral significa que o corpo astral deixa o físico para viajar no plano astral.
É interessante notar que relatos generalizados de ‘Viagem Astral’ estão documentados em textos religiosos em todo o mundo. (---)
Para muitos dos que praticam a Projeção Astral consciente, a experiência, desde o primeiro momento, valida e reforça o entendimento de que a vida após a morte do corpo físico - é uma realidade. Todos descrevem a experiência de se encontrarem fora de seus corpos físicos, totalmente cientes e presentes, capazes de ver, ouvir ..."
PROJECTION of CONSCIOUSNESS or O.O.B.E (out-of-the-body experience)
Laboratory Experience
I got up from the chair and went to the table. I tried to pick up the sheet of paper with my hand several times, but I could not. My hand went through paper without even moving it as little as possible. Then I thought, I am out of my body as lucidly as I have never been before. It was unbelievable !!!
Perplex, I turned to look at the armchair and there was my inert body.
After the fright, I was excited and I floated to the top of one of the walls.
To my surprise, a teenage colleague of the Nutrition and Dietetics course was waiting for me; I was a student of that course at the time. She cried a lot and said that things were very bad in her house.
After that I remember going straight back to the lab without redoing the course. Something like, I thought, I came back.
Few of the students were coming in, and the classmate came in and sat down next to me.
I asked her if everything was okay and she said yes. I pressed the question asking if everything was well in her home. She said yes.
A few days later, sitting in the same chair, I was suddenly surprised at her entrance exactly like she introduced herself to me at CEAEC, only she cried more quietly than during my conscious out-of-the-body-experience (O.O.B.E.) .
To my astonishment she told me the same thing that she said at the CEAEC reception and I only gave her affection and attention since she could not even say what was happening, she only assumed, so it seemed the conduct of her parents, that things were not going well between them. She feared for their separation.
However, as I always say, no one has to believe in any of this. The only thing I can say is that only the person and his experiences can provide him with his own inner certainties. So, if you are interested, I suggest that you research the institutions of Conscientiology and, if possible, go to CEAEC and do the lab practices. I answer only for myself.
This was just one of many experiments on projections of consciousness or O.O.B.E. that I had before and after knowing PROJECIOLOGY.
Thank you very much to all!
Perplexa, virei-me para olhar a poltrona e lá estava meu corpo inerte.
Sem hesitação, volitei até próximo à entrada do campus e resolvi chegar à recepção.
Muito obrigada a todos!
Namastê is an mainly hindu salutation that means, among some other meanings, the divinity that inhabits in me salutes the divinity that lives in you, but in this case understand like: ANAMASTE - I am adding the A ahead of Namaste like representation of Amparador(Invisible Helper) , then I am understanding that my amparador is asking me to adopt this new greeting, so:
ANAMASTE: My amparador greets you and your amparador, invisible helper, spirit of light helper..., as you prefer.
May we learn from the invisible helpers to seek our proexies or existential programming(Waldo Vieira) make this the reason for living and respecting the choices of others.
(Self-learning: in português: autodidatismo/autodidata) is very serious, important and infinite. Studying on its own with discernment
"Internationally recognized as the most important and complete scientific treatise on the experience outside the human body (projection of consciousness), it is the reference work that bases the science ..."
Date of first publication: 1986
Google Books
Sexosomatic - HOLORGASM
"Internationally recognized as the most important and complete scientific treatise on the experience outside the human body (projection of consciousness), it is the reference work that bases the science ..."
Date of first publication: 1986
Google Books
Frases da Conscienciologia – 000293
"Holorgasm is the unit of measurement of the maturity of our sexuality in the condition of human consciousness."
Page 2 What is Conscientiology [electronic book]. 4th edition. Page 82.
Holorgasm (holo + orgasm) - holosomatic orgasm, maximum ecstasy generated by the energies of the whole holosome.
Holosoma (holo + soma) - Set of vehicles of manifestation of the intraphysical consciousness: sum, holochakra, psychosoma and mentalsoma; and of the consciex: psychosoma and mentalsoma. "(Waldo Vieira)
conscin: intraphysical consciousness (the individual, the human being)
sum: body
vehicles of manifestation: the physical body and the "energetic" or more subtle bodies popularly known as spirit, soul, essence, as you prefer
holochakra: the whole or all of the * chakra
psychosoma: popularly known as fluidic casing that connects the body with the spirit; psychic body, perispirit (spiritism)
mentalsoma: mental body, seat of consciousness ...
consciex: extraphysical consciousness: popularly known as spirit or disembodied body.
* chakras: "from Sanskrit - are the centers of force situated in the energy body and whose main function is the absorption of energy - prana, chi - from the environment into the energy field and the physical body. of energetic bridge between the spiritual body and the physical body."-Wagner Borges
These are the words of John Donne's Renaissance poet:
Gratitude may be only theoretical, which means almost nothing.
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In homage to André Luiz and Chico Xavier
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Unidade Atibaia,
união com Nosso
Lah Hernandes
Namastê é uma saudação principalmente hinduísta que significa, entre algumas outras definições, a divindade que habita em mim saúda a divindade que habita em você, mas nesse caso entendam como: "ANAMASTE" - estou acrescentando o A à frente de Namastê como representação de Amparador, assim, estou entendendo que meu amparador está me pedindo para adotar essa nova saudação, então:
"ANAMASTE": Meu amparador saúda você e o seu amparador, auxiliar invisível, espírito de luz ampatador, mentor....como você preferir...
Waldo era um eterno AUTODIDATA.
O Autodidatismo é muito sério, muito importante...e estudar por conta própria, com discernimento a respeito de literatura de alto nível(assuntos pró-evolutivos) expande a consciência muito mais do que estudar em qualquer instituição educacional, não importa quão altamente considerada esta instituição seja. Waldo foi o maior autodidata do seu tempo e de todos os tempos, na minha opinião. Também, na minha opinião: Ele foi o melhor em tudo!
"Reconhecido internacionalmente como o mais importante e completo tratado científico sobre a experiência fora do corpo humano (projeção da consciência), é a obra de referência que fundamenta a ciência ..." Google Books
"Reconhecido internacionalmente como o mais importante e completo tratado científico sobre a experiência fora do corpo humano (projeção da consciência), é a obra de referência que fundamenta a ciência ..." Google Books
Sexossomática - HOLORGASMO
Frases da Conscienciologia – 000293
“O holorgasmo é a unidade de medida da maturidade de nossa sexualidade na condição de consciências humanas.”
Gratidão pode ser apenas teórica, o que significa quase nada.
Teática: Gratidão associada à Retribuição, ou seja, teoria associada à prática, o que significa muito e tem valor imensurável.
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