segunda-feira, 10 de abril de 2017

SEX and DESTINY - Chap 1 - Chico Xavier and Waldo Vieira by spirit André Luiz | WOMEN, SHOW LESS | Happiness Way: Don"t Be Promiscuous ...| (By Lah Hernandes)

Audiobook Sexy and Destiny Part 1

2020, November


12th book in the collection: LIFE IN THE SPIRITUAL WORLD

Dictated by: ANDRÉ LUIZ


Sex and destiny, love and conscience, freedom and commitment, guilt and
rescue, home and reincarnation are the themes of this book, born in the forge ofeveryday reality. However, reader friend, after the benefactor's prayer, who spoke at the threshold, nothing else is up to us unless the narrative that the 
Divine Providênce allowed us to tack, not for the sole purpose of stripping the
true, but in order to learn from the experience library. We believe it is unnecessary to clarify that the names of the protagonists of this real history have been replaced by obvious reasons and that the present biography group does not belong to other creatures but themselves who have allowed write, for our building, after naturally consulted. We also request permission to say that not a single tilde has been removed of the truths that interweave it - truths of truth, which, shaking from chapter to chapter chapter, carry with you, in numerous passages, the light of our hopes and the bitter taste of our tears. 
Uberaba, July 4, 1963.


Chapter 01

What happens among men, in the spirit world that surrounds them, suffering and expectation grind the soul, disciplining, perfecting, rebuilding ... 

While wearing the physical garment, we usually imagine paradise of religions stuck beyond death. We dream of the integral appeasement of senses, access to the ineffable joy that anesthetizes every memory converted into mental sore. However, once the gray border has been crossed, inevitable responsibility in the face of the reunion of one's conscience. 

A human life, to continue naturally in the Hereafter, thus assumes the starting form, in two distinct times. Fields and clothing differ; however, the struggle of personality, from one rebirth to another on Earth, appears laborious prelude in two phases. Obverse and reverse of the experience. The crib starts, the tomb unfolds. With very rare exceptions to the rule, only reincarnation it manages to transfigure us in a fundamental way. 

We leave the withered cocoon on the casket and t
transport it with us, in the same personal identification form, for other spheres, the spiritual ingredients that we cultivate and attract.

Intelligences evolving in the eternity of space and time, Spirits domiciled in the Terrestrial Dwelling, in bandoning the most important material densely resemble figuratively insects. There are larvae that withdraw from the egg and reveal themselves in the condition of parasites, while others transform, from
immediate, in cliffs of prodigious beauty, gaining height. 

We find creatures that move away from the carnal case, entering large obsessive processes, in which they move at the expense of outside forces, alongside others that, at once, rise, improved and beautiful, to higher planes of evolution. And among those who are deeply attached to the sensations of physical and those who achieve the sublime rise to edifying stages, in the Great Beyond, there is the infinite range of positions in which they graduate. 

Emerging in Spirituality, after disincarnation, we suffered, at first, the disenchantment of all who waited for the theological heaven, easy to earn.

The truth appears by a renewing lever. 

Still suffering from thick amnesia, in relation to the remote past, which rest in the basements of memory, we are then faced with old prejudices that clash inwardly, falling to pieces. We sigh for inertia
That does not exist. We demand an affirmative answer to the absurdities of the conventionalist faith and
dogmatic who claims integration with God for himself, pretending to exclude, from the Divine Fatherhood, those who do not share his vision.

Of similar conflicts, sometimes terrible and exhausting, in the recesses of the Many of us left in despair or disgust for extensive inroads into the vampirism or despair, most of the disincarnated, however, little by little little accommodates the circumstances, accepting the continuity of work in the own re-education, with the results of the existence apparently ended in the
world, waiting for the reincarnation that allows renewal and restart.
* * *
These reflections drowned my thoughts, repairing the sadness and the tiredness of my friend Pedro Neves, devoted servant of the Ministry of Aid.

Sharing bold and valiant expeditions in worthy activity, we have not yet seen any hesitations. Vet of ventures
rescuers, would never show discouragement or weakness, however overwhelming it may be.
the weight of commitments and obligations. 

Lawyer who had, in his last existence, , was characterized by extreme lucidity, in examining the problems that the eventualities of the path presented. 

Always bold and humble; now, however, he spelled out sensitive changes of behavior. 

I will know with brief charges, in the physical sphere, to attend, in a more directly, to family needs, the extent and nature of which do not it had been possible to see. 

Since then, he was withdrawn and disenchanted, copying the newcomers from Earth. It was isolated in deep reflection. I was fleeing fraternal conversation. He complained about this or that. And once in a while, on duty, he showed tears that never quite fell.

No one dared to probe his suffering, such was the moral fiber in which he was they expressed attitudes. 

However, causing a few hours of relaxation, on a garden bench, I skillfully sought to launch him into extroversion, alleging difficulties that worried. I refer to the descendants I had left in the world and the concerns that caused me. 

In his sadness, he sees the presence of domestic struggles torturing him
soul, which are recurrent ulcerations, and I was not mistaken. 

The friend absorbed the affective bait and unveiled his feelings. 

At first, he spoke vaguely of the apprehensions that came to his mind agonized. He aspired to forget, to be aloof, yet ... the family rear in the the world inflicted painful reminiscences that were difficult to remove. 

- Is it the wife who afflicts you, so much?
- I ventured, trying to locate the butchery of hurt that opened the floodgates of silent weeping.

Pedro looked at me with the painful stance of a beaten dog and replied:

 - There are moments, André, when you will need biographies, even if superficially, to scoop up the past and extract the truth from it, only the truth ... 

He meditated, something suffocated for a moment, and continued:

- I am not a man who let me rule by sentimentality,
enjoy emotions at fair value. In addition, experience has long since given me taught to reason. I have lived here for forty years and, for almost forty years,
wife compels the absolute disinterest of the heart. Leave when the youth of physical energies was in his blood and Enedina, understandably, could not keep up with the distance from feminine demands. 

And he went on to clarify that she had partnered with another man, in a second marriage, handing her three children over to her stepchildren. This new husband, however, completely removed her from her spiritual coexistence. Man ambitious, mastered the leather he had  assembled, managing to multiply them immensely, by cunning in bold commercial companies. And acted with so much levity that the wife, before simple, fell in love with the comforts too many, spending terrestrial time on prodigalities and bullshit, until he roared to the ultimate addictions to the ravages of sex. Watching her husband in gallant adventures, permanently, in the position of rich gentleman and unoccupied, she wanted to retaliate, establishing for herself a disorderly cult of pleasure, barely knowing that he was just going astray, in regrettable imbalances.

 - And my two sons, Jorge and Ernesto, deceived by the fascination of gold the stepfather bought them subservience with, they went crazy in the same
delirium of easy money and became so animalized that they don't any trace of my memory, even though they are currently traders well-to-do, at a mature age ...

- The wife, however, is still in the physical world
- I ventured, cutting the long pause, so that the explanation would not fade.
- My poor Enedina returned ten years ago, abandoning her body for imposition of jaundice, which appeared to him as an invisible executioner, evoked by
alcoholic beverages. Staring, swollen, unsuccessful, I rehearsed in alarm all help processes at my disposal ... I was terrified of seeing her enslaved to the demeaning forces to which she had joked without realizing;
body of flesh, as one who guards an unconscious child in disguise refuge. However, alas! Harvested by unfortunate entities, to whom he consorted lightly, in vain I tried to extend some comfort to him, because
she, after being disembodied, takes pleasure in addiction, trying to escape impossible of itself. There is no other option but to wait, to wait ...

- And the children?
- Jorge and Ernesto, hypnotized by the material wealth, for me unapproachable. Mentally, the memory doesn't register. Trying to capture them cooperation and sympathy, the stepfather even hinted that they would not be my children and yes of himself, through union with my wife, at the time of my terrestrial experience, which Enedina, unfortunately, did not deny ... 
The companion smiled a yellow smile and considered:
- Imagine! In the flesh, fear is common, ahead of the disincarnated and, in In my case, I was the one who left the domestic environment, under feelings of
unstoppable horror ... Still, the goodness of God did not cast me into solitude, in when it comes to family tenderness. I have a daughter that I never separated from by bonds of the spirit ... Beatriz, who I left in the flower of childhood, patiently endured affronts and remained true to my name. We are thus two souls, in the same track of understanding ... 

Pedro wiped his eyes and added: 
- Now, with almost half a century of existence among men, trapped although the affection she devotes to her husband and only child, Beatriz prepares herself for the return ... My daughter has been going through the last earthly days, with her body
tortured by cancer ... 

- But, are you tormented by that? Isn't the idea of ​​a peaceful reunion a reason to rejoice? - And the problems, my friend? 

The problems of the blood group? Per many years, I was on the sidelines of all the tricas of the family ship ... wide ocean of life ... Now, for the love of my unforgettable daughter, I am compelled to embrace, with a spirit of charity, the thoughtlessness and the brazenness. I am unfit, disambient ... Since I stood at the bedside of the dear dear, I see myself in condition of the student weakened by the expectation of constant errors .. 

Neves was ready to proceed, but an urgent call for service in the impelled the separation and, while endeavoring to calm him down, dismissed, under the
commitment to brother to him, in the tasks of assisting the patient, so more intense, starting the next day.

continued in Chap.2

Waldo Vieira · ‎Body, Mind & Spirit
700 Experiments of Conscientiology(Waldo Vieira)    


By the Spirit André Luiz, psychographed by Chico Xavier and Waldo Vieira - BOOK: Sex and Destiny

Review: "Sex and Destiny" (Chico Xavier and Waldo Vieira, 1963) -
"Reduce, as far as you can, the falls of conscience, when it is not for you, do it for the dead, who love you for a more beautiful life!"

Great romance psychographed by the mediums Waldo Vieira and Chico Xavier, "Sex and Destiny" brings a valuable case study in which sex appears as the pivot of the most diverse vicissitudes of Man's life, as well as a moral collapse force, under the deviation printed by the sentimental ravings, as "divine attribute in human individuality," yielding the sublimation of beings.

With the objective manifesto that we can "learn from the library of experience," the spiritual author aligned a plot in which the characters in this "group biography" will take the lesson that "love and sex embody natural responsibilities in the consciousness of each one and that nobody injures someone in the affective treasures without painful reparations ".

Presenting the cases as true, in a psychographed message in July 1963, the author prefaces his poignant narrative elucidating that "sex and destiny, love and conscience, freedom and commitment, guilt and redemption, home and reincarnation constitute the themes of this book born in forge of everyday reality. "

Sharing with the other works of the spiritist literature, the uplifting value of the message, "Sex and Destiny" stands out among the historical series of writings that allied moral teaching with the doctrinal updating of Spiritism. From the first book, "Nosso Lar" (1944), to the 13th. and last, "And life goes on ..." (1968), André Luiz brings to light details of the so-called "erraticity", only defined in the production of Allan Kardec. This is the period in which the spirit "errs" between the death of the physical body (disincarnation) and the resumption of a new unborn body (reincarnation). It's just why this 12th. volume is so relevant in approaching the ever more disturbing question of human sexuality, not restricted to its erotic manifestation in copulation, but conceived as the broad spectrum of attachments that the reproductive forces engender among people, the most important of which constituting the family.
The story is set in Rio de Janeiro, presumably in the 1950s. A woman suffering from terminal cancer is accompanied by the spirit of her late father, Neves, disgusted by the conditions in which Beatriz bears her pain: the marital thalamus tainted by the involvement of her husband, Nemesio, a "shameless sixty" with his young employee. The familiar vexation is complicated by the double game in which Marina also involves the son of the boss, Gilberto, seducing him from his own sister, Marita, from whom the boy had begun to fall in love. From this prosaic beginning, there is a scene of bitter conflicts not only between the members of the two families but also of each other, revealing that in the home the "narrow circle of evidence"
The text is full of facts and expressions of Spiritist technical terminology without, however, compromising the understanding of the lay reader: the context makes clear what they refer to and the use of analogies allows better understanding. In this role we have the obsession, which is characterized by the intervention of a spirit (obsessor) about a person incarnate, purposely or not causing harmful effects in the life of the obsessed. Two examples are the effect of Moreira (an entity) on Claudius, stimulating him to drink and incestuous voluptuousness, and on Marina, driving him mad. However, the beneficial action of friendly entities permeates the entire narrative, especially in the inspiration of ideas and feelings and in magnetic support, the famous pass, which is a transfusion of energy with which benefiting spirits ("guardian angels", familiar spirits, etc.) promote the organic and mental rebalancing of their protégés. Another spiritist phenomenon best elucidated in André Luiz's work is what Kardec called the "emancipation of the soul", better known in esoteric, parapsychological and scientific literature as the astral projection: there is a decoupling of the person's soul during sleep, and his double (the spirit in a fluidic body, that is, a body of subtle matter, similar to the physical body) moves away from dense matter, experiencing an experience in almost nothing different from biological life. In the book we see Marita leave her body after sleeping and go out in search of Gilberto, object of her affection, but in a state of imbalance: it is that the body numbs the mind in folly, protecting it in a certain way, and, far from it, the effect of fixed, vicious ideas makes souls act like real zombies. 
At left, Waldo Vieira, today disconnected from
Spiritism, conducts studies of
projection of consciousness since 1966

Art Representation
of André Luiz
The most shocking revelations about erraticity, which characterize the famous series by André Luiz, are the ceaseless activities of the organizations instituted in the spiritual plane to help the "dead" and the souls of their like, affections that remain beyond life, still incarnated in the terrestrial plane. In "Sex and Destiny" we read about "Sister Souls," an institution in which spirits of people whose last incarnations have failed in sexual imbalances are welcomed and instructed to return to the physical plane in order to rescue past debts: rape, adultery, abandonment of the home, abortion, prostitution, seduction, promiscuity, etc., are acts that taint the consciences of people who have misused their reproductive powers, causing a wide network of cause and effect, charging themselves for redress for the physical and moral damage inflicted to other consciousnesses.
And it is in the "Soul Sisters" that André Luiz will obtain clarifications on the difficult
transitions in which the members of the two clans struggle, in problems not uncommon to the general experience of the other families: violent passions, disintegrating habits, coldness between spouses, conflicts between parents and children, enmity between brothers, etc. For every child of God Divine Providence offers the opportunities for re-growth - even for the author of the most puzzling scene in the book, which will leave the reader with a heart laden with anguish -, leading to the pacification of one's own ideas and feelings long ago in disarray with the purposes of the Creator, going back to past lives, ending with pending readjustments. And here comes the principle of reincarnation, a mechanism of justice that reconnects victims and perpetrators, corrupted and corrupting, to conciliation under coercion of blood ties and affective commitments.

As the plausibility of the survival of consciousness after death and its return to the body through reincarnation, the spiritual perspective of this book on the problematic human sexuality becomes more and more relevant to the understanding of the pains that constitute the basis of all life experience of Men on Earth.

In future, in this blog, works that will make you rethink the nature of Man and the meaning of life and death.

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at 00:00

Resultado de imagem para imagens de Waldo Vieira
Chico Xavier and his eternal "son", Waldo Vieira, at left - Notice the physical similarity of the young Waldo and the art representation of André Luiz

Art Representation
of André Luiz



By Lah Hernandes

"Why whoever likes apples will like them all because they are all the same"

Women of the New Times, SHOW LESS; OFFER LESS YET !

This is intelligence; it is a strategy to become more and more desirable.

When I was a child, apple was a luxury fruit, so I made the sacrifice of accompanying my cousin to the fair just to win an apple at the end of shopping, today the apples  practically throw itself from the supermarket countainers into the our supermarket trolleys. (Offered apples?)

Result: If I used to sacrifice to eat the apple, today eating the apple is my sacrifice.

Woman, do you want your "apple" to have the same fate?

Think about it.

The Apple (quote above) is a song by Paulo Coelho and Raul Seixas.
Well, as for Paulo Coelho I have nothing to say because I never researched his life, but Raul Seixas, everyone knows that he was a mega showman, so imagine how many apples offered itself to him. So it's very easy to understand your conclusion that all apples are the same. 

This is obvious: If the offer is large, everything seems the same, common, uninteresting ...

In fact, lack of interest was the cause of Raul's total surrender to the vices that culminated in his woefully early death.

The Foreigner's Syndrome

Fool's Gold, his first great success, clearly reveals the Foreigner Syndrome (Malu Balona - conscientiology).

Do you know that strange in the nest feeling? That's right ... Raul Seixas shows in this song that he was totally affected by the  Foreigner Syndrome, of not belonging, of disinterest in everything and everyone. He says:

"Why was it so easy to achieve and now I ask myself: Worth it? I have a lot of big things to conquer and I can't just stand there ..."

Well, that is the subject for another text. 
The important thing to understand in this about Raul's Foreigner Syndrome is that easy woman is so easy to get and men ask themselves: Worth it?  After all, they have a lot of other women easy to conquer and cannot be stuck in one relationship as easily BORED as it was easily conquered.

Smart Women, SHOW LESS!!!

Lah Hernandes


"Prefer to invest in your potential for victory"  
(Brother Felix - Audiobook: SEX  AND DESTINY - Part 01; Ch 05)

By Lah Hernandes

"Trafor" (Waldo Vieira neologism by his term of force-trait)

Our force-trait or trafor is nothing more than our best qualities or our "potential for victory," as Brother Felix says. And, yes, better you prefer to invest in your force-trait because, as it gains strength, it weakens your trafar (burden-trait or imperfections..., if you prefer to say so).
In opposition to your force-trait your burden-trait  is nothing more than your biggest failures, imperfections, immaturity; your greatest difficulties ...

Example of how to weaken the burden-trait by potentializing the force-trait: 
Suppose your greatest qualities are gratitude and generosity and your greatest imperfections, immaturities, great deviation in conduct...are intolerance and impatience.

When you resolve to potentiate your  gratitude and generosity force-trait toward someone you are immensely grateful for but for some reason he or she awakens your  intolerance and impatience burden-trait, it is natural that, for reason of your gratitude and generosity, you feel motivated to improve your intolerance and impatience to this person, for the purpose of maintaining a better possible relationship with he or she. 
This will be natural, because your gratitude / generosity for this person are such that you will feel motivated to make a redoubled effort to be tolerant and patient with someone so deserving of being tolerated by you in any circumstance.
The wonderful consequence will be: you will gradually learn to extend this behavior to other people.
This seems obvious, however, you always use "Principle of Disbelief"(Waldo Vieira) , that is, do not believe anything I've just told you. Make your personal and non-transferable experiences. Try to weaken your trafar (burden-trait) with your trafor (force-trait) and will have a proof of what I said ... or not.
Being successful in this experiment depends only on you.

I hope I was clear.

"Definition The trafar-trafor binomial is an explanation of the coexistence relationship in the consciential micro-universe and an interconscientiality of inexperience, weakness, incompetence with experience, strength and competence, generating the process of evolutionary dynamism for work always helping to work.
Synonymy: 1. Evolutionary traf-trafor dynamics. 2. Foundation of evolutionary interaction.
Antonimology: 1. Perfectionism. 2. Absolute purity"

Thank you very much all!
Lah Hernandes

The Way to Happiness: Do not Be Promiscuous ... Video
    "Sex is the means by which the species is projected into the future through the children and the family. Sex can provide a lot of pleasure and happiness: Nature wanted it so that the species could continue to exist. badly used or abused, carries with it heavy consequences (...): it seems that Nature also wanted to do so.
    3-1. Be faithful to your sexual partner.
    Infidelity on the part of a sexual partner can greatly reduce a person's survival. History and newspapers present many cases of the violence of human passions, caused by infidelity. The feeling of "guilt" is the least of evils. Jealousy and revenge are the biggest monsters: you never know when they will be awakened. It is very beautiful to speak of "being civilized", "uninhibited" and "understanding"; but no conversation will recompose destroyed lives. A "guilty feeling" is far from being as sharp as a dagger in the back or ground glass in the soup.
    In addition, there is the health issue. If you do not insist on the fidelity of a sexual partner, you are exposed to illness. For a brief time it was stated that venereal diseases were all under control. This is not so now, if it ever was. There are now incurable strains of these diseases.
    The problems of sexual misconduct are not new. The powerful Buddhist religion in India disappeared from this part of the world in the seventh century. According to their own historians, the cause was sexual promiscuity in their monasteries. More modernly, when sexual promiscuity becomes a prevailing thing in an organization, whether it be commercial or otherwise, the organization may end up failing. However civilized their conversations on the subject may be, families are torn to pieces by infidelity.
    The momentum of a moment can become the disgust of a lifetime. Try to instill this in those around you and protect your own health and pleasure. "
"Sex is a big step
on the road to happiness and joy.
There's nothing wrong with it since
that is followed with fidelity
and decency. "

Pelo Espírito André Luiz, psicografado por Chico Xavier e Waldo Vieira - LIVRO:





Resenha: "Sexo e Destino" (Chico Xavier e Waldo Vieira, 1963)

"Reduzi, quanto puderes, as quedas de consciência! Quando não seja por vós, fazei-o pelos mortos, que vos amam de uma vida mais bela!"

Grande romance psicografado pelos médiuns Waldo Vieira e Chico Xavier, "Sexo e Destino" traz um valioso estudo de caso em que o sexo aparece como pivô das mais diversas vicissitudes da vida do Homem, tanto como força de derrocada moral, sob o desvio impresso pelos desvarios sentimentais, quanto "atributo divino na individualidade humana", ensejando a sublimação dos seres.
Com o manifesto objetivo de que possamos "aprender com a biblioteca da experiência", o autor espiritual alinhava uma trama na qual os personagens desta "biografia de grupo" tomarão a lição de que "o amor e o sexo plasmam responsabilidades naturais na consciência de cada um e que ninguém lesa alguém nos tesouros afetivos sem dolorosas reparações". 
Apresentando os casos como verídicos, em mensagem psicografada em julho de 1963, o autor prefacia sua pungente narrativa elucidando que "sexo e destino, amor e consciência, liberdade e compromisso, culpa e resgate, lar e reencarnação constituem os temas deste livro, nascido na forja da realidade cotidiana".

Compartilhando com as demais obras da farta literatura espírita o valor edificante da mensagem, "Sexo e Destino" se destaca por contar entre a histórica série de escritos que aliou o ensino moral à atualização doutrinária do Espiritismo. Do primeiro livro, "Nosso Lar" (1944), ao 13º. e último, "E a vida continua..." (1968), André Luiz traz a lume detalhes da chamada "erraticidade", apenas definida na produção de Allan Kardec. Trata-se do período em que o espírito "erra" entre a morte do corpo físico (desencarnação) e a retomada de um novo corpo nascituro (reencarnação). É justo por isso que este 12º. volume se reveste de tanta relevância na abordagem da cada dia mais inquietante questão da sexualidade humana, não restrita à sua manifestação erótica, na cópula, mas concebida como o amplo espectro de vinculações que as forças genésicas engendram entre as pessoas, as mais importantes das quais constituindo a família.
Representação artística
de André Luiz
A história se passa no Rio de Janeiro, presumivelmente na década de 50. Uma senhora padecendo de um câncer terminal é acompanhada pelo espírito de seu falecido pai, Neves, revoltado com as condições em que Beatriz suporta sua dor: o tálamo conjugal maculado pelo envolvimento do marido, Nemésio, um "sessentão desavergonhado", com sua jovem funcionária. O vexame familiar se complica com o jogo duplo em que Marina também envolve o filho do patrão, Gilberto, seduzindo-o de junto da própria irmã, Marita, de quem o rapaz principiara a enamorar-se. A partir desse começo prosaico, descortina-se um cenário de conflitos acerbos não só entre os membros das duas famílias como dos de cada uma entre si, revelando que no lar se traça "o estreito círculo das provas"

O texto está repleto de fatos e expressões da terminologia técnica espírita sem, no entanto, comprometer o entendimento do leitor leigo: o contexto deixa claro a que se referem e o uso de analogias permite melhor compreensão. Nesse rol temos a obsessão, que se caracteriza pela intervenção de um espírito (obsessor) sobre uma pessoa encarnada, propositadamente ou não causando efeitos nocivos na vida do obsidiado. Dois exemplos são o efeito de Moreira (uma entidade) sobre Cláudio, estimulando-o à bebida e à volúpia incestuosa, e sobre Marina, enlouquecendo-a. Todavia, a ação benfazeja de entidades amigas permeia a inteira narrativa, especialmente na inspiração de ideias e sentimentos e no suporte magnético, o famoso passe, que é uma transfusão de energia com a qual espíritos benfeitores ("anjos da guarda", espíritos familiares, etc.) promovem o reequilíbrio orgânico e mental de seus protegidos. Outro fenômeno espírita melhor elucidado na obra de André Luiz é o que Kardec chamou de "emancipação da alma", mais conhecido na atual literatura esotérica, parapsicológica e científica como projeção astral: há um desacoplamento da alma da pessoa, durante o sono, e seu duplo (o espírito em corpo fluídico, isto é, corpo de matéria sutil, semelhante ao corpo físico) se afasta da matéria densa, experienciando uma vivência em quase nada distinta da vida biológica. No livro, vemos Marita deixar o corpo após dormir e sair em busca de Gilberto, objeto de seu afeto, mas em estado de desequilíbrio: é que o corpo entorpece a mente em desatino, protegendo-a de certa forma, e, longe dele, o efeito das ideias fixas, viciosas, faz as almas agirem como verdadeiros zumbis.

Waldo Vieira, hoje desligado do
Espiritismo, conduz estudos de
projeção da consciência desde 1966
As mais chocantes revelações sobre a erraticidade, que caracterizam a famosa série de André Luiz, são as atividades incessantes das organizações instituídas no plano espiritual para socorro aos "mortos" e às almas de seus afins, afetos que se mantém além da vida, ainda encarnados no plano terrestre. Em "Sexo e Destino" lemos sobre o "Almas Irmãs", instituição em que espíritos de pessoas cujas últimas encarnações tenham falido em desequilíbrios sexuais são acolhidas e instruídas para retorno ao plano físico com fim de resgatar os débitos pretéritos: estupro, adultério, abandono do lar, aborto, prostituição, sedução, promiscuidade, etc., são atos que maculam as consciências de pessoas que fizeram mau uso de suas faculdades genésicas acarretando ampla rede de causa e efeito, cobrando de si mesmas a reparação pelo dano físico e moral infligido a outras consciências. 

E é no "Almas Irmãs" que André Luiz obterá esclarecimentos sobre os difíceis transes em que os membros dos dois clãs se debatem, em problemas nada incomuns à experiência geral das demais famílias: paixões violentas, hábitos desagregadores, frieza entre cônjuges, conflitos entre pais e filhos, inimizade entre irmãos, etc. Para cada filho de Deus a Providência Divina vai ofertando as oportunidades de reerguimento - mesmo para o autor da mais tétrica cena do livro, que deixará o leitor com o coração lanceado de angústia -, encaminhando para a pacificação das próprias ideias e sentimentos, há muito em desalinho com os propósitos do Criador, remontando a vidas passadas, encerradas com pendências de reajustes. E aí entra o princípio da reencarnação, mecanismo da justiça que reaproxima vítimas e agressores, corrompidos e corruptores, para a conciliação sob coerção dos vínculos de sangue e compromissos afetivos.
À medida em que se descortina para a Ciência a plausibilidade da sobrevivência da consciência após a morte e seu retorno ao corpo através da reencarnação, a perspectiva espiritualista deste livro sobre a  problemática sexualidade humana vai adquirindo mais e mais relevância para a compreensão das dores que constituem a base de toda experiência de vida dos Homens sobre a Terra.
Futuramente, neste blog, obras que irão fazê-lo repensar a natureza do Homem e o sentido da vida e da morte. 

A Luz do Sol nos Olhos da Evolução



Lah Hernandes

"PRINCÍPIO da DESCRENÇA” Adaptado: NÃO ACREDITE em NADA e em NINGUÉM; nem mesmo no que eu disser aqui neste blog;  EXPERIMENTE. Obtenha seus próprios RESULTADOS / CONCLUSÔES em suas EXPERIÊNCIAS pessoais.


Until then, I had been using the Namaste greeting.
Namastê is an mainly hindu salutation that means, among some other meanings, the divinity that inhabits in me salutes the divinity that lives in you, but in this case understand like: ANAMASTE - I am adding the A ahead of Namaste like representation of Amparador(Invisible Helper) , then I am understanding that my amparador is asking me to adopt this new greeting, so:

ANAMASTE: My amparador  greets  you and your amparador, invisible helper, spirit of light helper..., as you prefer.

May we learn from the invisible helpers to seek our proexies or existential programming(Waldo Vieira) make this the reason for living and respecting the choices of others. 


Waldo was an eternal SELF-TAUGHT

(Self-learning: in português: autodidatismo/autodidata) is very serious, important and infinite. Studying on its own with discernment
and literary choice of self-level (pro evolutionary), expands consciousness,
much more than studying in any educational institution no matter how highlyregarded this institution is.
Waldo was the greatest self-taught of his time and, in my opinion, of all time. And also, in my opinion, he was better in everything! 

"Good Mood is Consciential Health" (Waldo Vieira)

Imagem relacionada

"Internationally recognized as the most important and complete scientific treatise on the experience outside the human body (projection of consciousness), it is the reference work that bases the science ..." 
Date of first publication: 1986
Google Books

Laboratory Experience

By Lah Hernandes

Resultado de imagem para Lah hernandes
One of My Experiences on Projections of Consciousness or O.O.B.E. (out-of-the-body experience) 

In a certain event at CEAEC - Center for Higher Studies of Conscientiology; Foz do Iguaçu; Brazil - I entered the laboratory of projection of consciousness, prepared everything, sat in the armchair and began to do basic energy mobilization exercise; an exercise I learned from the first courses of IIPC - International Institute of Projectiology and Conscientiology. But as I began to feel an uneasiness incompatible with the practice, I decided to interrupt it to make notes related to it.

I got up from the chair and went to the table. I tried to pick up the sheet of paper with my hand several times, but I could not. My hand went through paper without even moving it as little as possible. Then I thought: I am out of my body as lucidly as I have never been before.  It was unbelievable !!!

Perplex, I turned to look at the armchair and there was my inert body.
After the fright, I was excited and I floated to the top of one of the walls.
Up there, I began to try to cross the wall, first with my hands. With a little insistence I felt my arm as if sucked by the wall and, suddenly, I was already outside the CEAEC campus.
The campus was stunningly clear. Without hesitation, I returned to the entrance of the campus and decided to reach the reception.

To my surprise, a teenager colleague of the Nutrition and Dietetics course was waiting for me; I was a student of that course at the time. She cried a lot and said that things were very bad in her house. I tried to protect her and know what exactly was happening in her house. She just cried and said she was not sure what the problem was. So I told her to come home and that as soon as we were in the ETE (São Paulo State Technical School) we would talk.

After that I remember going straight back to the lab without redoing the course. Something like, I thought, I came back.

After the event, I returned to São Paulo.

Already in the ETE, I entered the empty room and sat in the chair as always.
Few of the students were coming in, and the classmate came in and sat down next to me.

I asked her if everything was okay and she said yes. I pressed the question asking if everything was well in her home. She said yes. She was smiling and calm. I tried not to self-suggest with the expectations of success of my experiment and to focus on the desire: whatever happens, be the best for everyoneas I learned from Waldo Vieira that this is the best and most sensible desire we can have.

A few days later, sitting in the same chair, I was suddenly surprised at her entrance exactly like she introduced herself to me at CEAEC, only she cried more quietly than during my conscious projection or out-of-the-body-experience (O.O.B.E.) .
To my astonishment she told me the same thing that she said at the CEAEC reception and I only gave her affection and attention since she could not even say what was happening, she only assumed, so it seemed the conduct of her parents, that things were not going well between them. She feared for their separation. I was perplexed by this occurrence. It was the realization that my classmate and I really found ourselves in the extraphysical dimension during my CEAEC laboratory experiment. I hardly believed that it had just happened and it stunned me for a few days.

However, as I always say, no one has to believe in any of this. The only thing I can say is that only the person and his experiences can provide him with his own inner certainties. So, if you are interested, I suggest that you research the institutions of Conscientiology and, if possible, go to CEAEC and do the lab practices. I answer only for myself.

This was just one of many experiments on projections of consciousness or O.O.B.E. that I had before and after knowing PROJECIOLOGY.

Thank you very much to all!


 Lah Hernandes

Sexosomatic - HOLORGASM

Frases da Conscienciologia – 000293

"Holorgasm is the unit of measurement of the maturity of our sexuality in the condition of human consciousness."

Page 2 What is Conscientiology [electronic book]. 4th edition. Page 82.

Holorgasm (holo + orgasm) - holosomatic orgasm, maximum ecstasy generated by the energies of the whole holosome.

Holosoma (holo + soma) - Set of vehicles of manifestation of the intraphysical consciousness: sum, holochakra, psychosoma and mentalsoma; and of the consciex: psychosoma and mentalsoma. "(Waldo Vieira)

Well, if you did not understand almost nothing I will give below some explanations to facilitate the understanding:

conscin: intraphysical consciousness (the individual, the human being)

sum: body

vehicles of manifestation: the physical body and the "energetic" or more subtle bodies popularly known as spirit, soul, essence, as you prefer

holochakra: the whole or all of the * chakra

psychosoma: popularly known as fluidic casing that connects the body with the spirit; psychic body, perispirit (spiritism)

mentalsoma: mental body, seat of consciousness ...

consciex: extraphysical consciousness: popularly known as spirit or disembodied body.

* chakras: "from Sanskrit - are the centers of force situated in the energy body and whose main function is the absorption of energy - prana, chi - from the environment into the energy field and the physical body. of energetic bridge between the spiritual body and the physical body."-Wagner Borges

“We are minimal parts in a MAXI MECHANISM” (Waldo Vieira)

These are the words of John Donne's Renaissance poet:
"No man is an isolated island: every man is a particle of the continent, a part of the earth, if a lump is dragged into the sea, Europe is diminished, as if it were a promontory, as if it were the house of His friends or Their own, the death of any man diminishes me, because I am part of the human race and therefore do not ask for whom the bell tolls, they double for you.
For me this means that man should not behave selfishly, should relate to others, because it is up to them to live. Any other man who dies, dies a little, because it depends on him to continue living. So you should not ask who the bells bend to announce a death, because it is also, in fact, announcing its own.
This is beautiful. It also makes me tremble.
Ernest Hemingway used this phrase "For whom the bell rings" to write a book that turned out to be a beautiful movie with Gary Cooper and Ingrid Bergman.
Luiz Sabra

TEACTICSWaldo Vieira's neologism which means theory associated with practice 

Gratitude may be only theoretical, which means almost nothing.

Teactics: Gratitude associated with Retribution, that is, theory associated with practice, which means a lot and has immeasurable value.


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In homage to André Luiz and Chico Xavier

See here in this blog SEX and DESTINY - CAP. 1 - Chico Xavier and Waldo Vieira(by André Luiz spirit) ...

See the movie: David's House - Unity Atibaia, union with Our Lar. 
movie link:

Casa de David - 
Unidade Atibaia, 
união com Nosso 

So, if you liked it and/or it was useful for you, this article, deposit any amount, however small it may seem, into an account of the David's House for the Disabled (physical and mental problems: autism, physical and intellectual disabilities). Permanent support. 
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Do your research on this House, visit it, if you can, but above all Disclose / Help!

Thank you so much, my friends. 



Lah Hernandes



Até  Março/2017,  eu me utilizei da saudação Namastê.
Namastê é uma saudação principalmente hinduísta que significa, entre algumas outras definições, a divindade que habita em mim saúda a divindade que habita em você, mas nesse caso entendam como: "ANAMASTE" - estou acrescentando o A à frente de Namastê como representação de Amparador, assim, estou entendendo  que meu amparador está me pedindo para adotar essa nova saudação, então: 

"ANAMASTE": Meu amparador saúda você e o seu amparador, auxiliar invisível, espírito de luz ampatador, mentor....como você preferir...

Que aprendamos com os amparadores a buscar nossa "proéxis", programação existencial(Waldo Vieira), fazer desta a razão de viver e respeitar as escolhas dos outros. 


Waldo era um eterno AUTODIDATA.

O Autodidatismo é muito sério, muito importante...e estudar por conta própria, com discernimento a respeito de literatura de alto nível(assuntos pró-evolutivos) expande a consciência muito mais do que estudar em qualquer instituição educacional, não importa quão altamente considerada esta instituição seja. Waldo foi o maior autodidata do seu tempo e de todos os tempos, na minha opinião. Também, na minha opinião: Ele foi o melhor em tudo! 

"Bom Humor é Saúde Consciencial"(Waldo Vieira)    

Experiência de Laboratório

By Lah Hernandes
Resultado de imagem para Lah hernandes

Uma de Minhas Experiências sobre Projeções da Consciencia ou O.O.B.E.  

By Lah Hernandes

Em um determinado evento no CEAEC - Centro de Altos Estudos da Conscienciologia, Foz do Iguaçu, Brasil - entrei no laboratório da projeção da consciência, preparei tudo,sentei-me na poltrona e comecei a fazer o exercício de mobilização básica de energia (exercício esse que aprendi com os primeiros cursos do IIPC - Instituto Internacional de Projeciologia e Conscienciologia). Porém, como passei a sentir um desassossego incompatível com a prática, resolvi interrompe-la para fazer anotações relacionadas a isso.
Levantei-me da poltrona e fui em direção à mesa. Levei a mão à folha de papel mas não consegui apanha-lo. Tentei pega-lo diversas vezes mas a minha mão passava através dele sem ao menos move-lo o mínimo que fosse. Então pensei: Estou fora do meu corpo tão lucidamente como jamais estive. Era inacreditável!!!

Perplexa, virei-me para olhar a poltrona e lá estava meu corpo inerte.
Passado o "susto", fiquei entusiasmada e volitei até a parte mais alta de uma das paredes.
Lá no alto, passei a tentar atravessar a parede, primeiro com as mãos.
Com um pouco de insistência senti o braço como se sugado pela parede e, de pronto, eu já estava do lado de fora do campus do CEAEC. 
O campus  estava impressionantemente límpido.
Sem hesitação, volitei até próximo à entrada do campus e resolvi chegar à recepção. 
Para minha surpresa, lá estava a minha espera uma colega adolescente do curso de Nutrição e Dietética (eu era aluna desse curso na época).
Ela chorava muito e dizia que as coisas estavam muito ruins em sua casa. 
Tentei ampara-la e saber o que , exatamente, se passava em sua casa. Ela apenas chorava e dizia não saber ao certo qual era o problema. Então eu disse a ela que voltasse pra casa e que assim que estivéssemos na ETE (Escola Técnica Estadual de São Paulo)  conversaríamos.
Depois disso lembro-me de ter volitado direto ao laboratório sem refazer o percurso. Algo como: "pensei, voltei".
Finalizado o evento, retornei para São Paulo.
Já na ETE, entrei na sala vazia e sentei-me na cadeira de sempre. 
Poucos alunos iam chegando e a colega mencionada entrou e sentou-se ao meu lado.
Perguntei-lhe se estava tudo bem e ela me respondeu que sim. Insisti na  pergunta indagando se em sua casa estava tudo em ordem. Ela respondeu que sim. 
Ela estava sorridente e tranquila. Eu tentei não me auto sugestionar com expectativas de sucesso do meu experimento e focar no desejo de que acontecesse o que fosse melhor para todos, como aprendi com Waldo Vieira que esse é o melhor e mais sensato desejo que podemos ter.
Passados alguns dias, sentada na mesma cadeira,  fui subitamente surpreendida com a entrada dela exatamente como se apresentou a mim no CEAEC, só que chorava mais discretamente do que durante a minha projeção consciente ou OOBE(out-of-the-body- experience).
Para meu "espanto" ela disse-me a mesmíssima coisa que disse na recepção do CEAEC e eu apenas lhe dei carinho e atenção já que ela sequer sabia dizer o que estava acontecendo, apenas presumia , pelo que aparentava a conduta de seus pais, que as coisas não iam nada bem entre eles. Ela temia pela separação deles. 
Fiquei perplexa com essa ocorrência. Era a constatação de que minha colega de classe e eu realmente nos encontramos na dimensão extrafísica durante o meu experimento de laboratório do CEAEC. 
Eu mal acreditava que aquilo acabara de acontecer e isso me atordoou por alguns dias. 
Entretanto, como sempre digo,  ninguém precisa acreditar em nada disso. A única coisa que posso dizer é que apenas a pessoa e suas  experiências podem lhe proporcionar as próprias certezas íntimas. Assim, caso você tenha interesse, sugiro que pesquise sobre as instituições da Cosncienciologia e, se possível, vá ao CEAEC e faça as práticas dos laboratórios. Eu respondo apenas por mim. 
Essa foi apenas uma das muitas experiências sobre projeções da consciência ou OOBE que eu tive antes e depois de conhecer a PROJECIOLOGIA.
Muito obrigada a todos!


Sexossomática - HOLORGASMO

Frases da Conscienciologia – 000293

“O holorgasmo é a unidade de medida da maturidade de nossa sexualidade na condição de consciências humanas.”

Vieira, Waldo.  O que é a Conscienciologia [livro eletrônico].  4ª edição. Página 

"Holorgasmo" (holo + orgasmo) – Orgasmo holossomático; êxtase máximo gerado pelas energias de todo o holossoma.

"Holossoma" (holo + soma) – Conjunto dos veículos de manifestação da conscin: soma, holochacra, psicossoma e mentalsoma; e da consciex: psicossoma e mentalsoma." (Waldo Vieira)

Bem, se você não entendeu quase nada darei abaixo algumas explicações para facilitar a compreensão:

"conscin": consciência intrafíca (o indivíduo, o ser humano)

  soma: corpo

"veículos de manifestação": o corpo físico e os corpo mais sutis popularmente conhecidos como espírito, alma, essência, como você preferir.

"holochacra": o conjunto ou totalidade dos *chacras.

"psicossoma": popularmente conhecido como envólucro fluídico que liga o corpo ao espírito; corpo psíquico, perispírito(espiritismo).

"mentalsoma": corpo mental, sede da consciência...

"consciex": consciência extrafísica: popularmente conhecido como espírito ou corpo desencarnado.

*chacras: "do sânscrito - são os centros de força situados no corpo energético e que têm como função principal a absorção de energia - prana , chi - do meio ambiente para o interior do campo energético e do corpo físico. Além disso, servem de ponte energética entre o corpo espiritual e o corpo físico." -Wagner Borges

“Somos Mine Peças num MAXIMECANISMO”
Waldo Vieira

Palavras de John Donne poeta renascentista: 
“Nenhum homem é uma ilha isolada; cada homem é uma partícula do continente, uma parte da terra; se um torrão é arrastado para o mar, a Europa fica diminuída, como se fosse um promontório, como se fosse a casa dos teus amigos ou a tua própria; a morte de qualquer homem diminui-me, porque sou parte do gênero humano. E por isso não perguntes por quem os sinos dobram; eles dobram por ti”. 
Para mim significa que o homem não deve se comportar egoisticamente, deve se relacionar com os outros, pois depende deles para viver. Qualquer outro homem que morre, ele morre um pouco, pois depende dele para continuar vivendo. Por isso não deve perguntar por quem os sinos dobram anunciando uma morte, porque também está na realidade anunciando a dele própria. 
É lindo isso. Também me arrepia. 
Ernest Hemingway usou essa frase "Por Quem os Sinos Dobram" para escrever um livro que virou um lindo filme com Gary Cooper e Ingrid Bergman, que já vi inúmeras vezes. 

Luiz Sabra · 10 anos atrás

"TEÁTICA" : neologismo de Waldo Vieira que significa teoria associada à prática. 

Gratidão pode ser apenas teórica, o que significa quase nada. 

Teática: Gratidão associada à Retribuição, ou seja, teoria associada à prática, o que significa muito e tem valor imensurável. 


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Faça sua pesquisa sobre esta casa, visite-a, se puder, mas acima de tudo: Divulgue / Ajude!

Muito obrigada meus amigos !!!



Lah Hernandes 

Resultado de imagem para projeção da consciência

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